Right is Wrong- One More Time




It finally looks like it’s all coming to a head. The Republicans have thrown caution to the winds and are frantically attempting to sabotage Obamacare, threatening to shut down the government if they don’t get their way. After 40 unsuccessful attempts to shoot down Obamacare this is their last big salvo to try to break the momentum before it overwhelms them with its success; yes, Obamacare will be very, very good for the country.


Why this big push. Because it’s the Right’s last chance to attack the ACA before it comes fully into play and proves even to the most brain-dead of opponents that it will both save money and improve health care in this country.


That’s why any attack has to be now, because in six months or a year they will be blowing smoke, you know where. By that time we will all see that the plan will cut huge numbers from the premium bills of all insured. By that time we will see that the mandate that those, with already existing conditions must be insured will have spread across the country. By that time the plan’s demands for computerized record keeping will have made a huge difference in transmitting correct patient information among doctors and hospitals and will have added significantly to all doctors ability to diagnose patient problems. By that time it will be too late for the recalcitrant right to sell their bad fish. Everyone will have seen how well the plan works and they will all understand that the only thing that the Right found wrong about Obamacare was the fact hat it had been sponsored by the man they named it after.


And it’s not just Obamacare, it’s immigration, it’s the budget, it’s infrastructure and jobs and voting rights and energy and most importantly the environment. It’s all those areas where the Republicans took a stand against the people of this country, simply because the President had taken a stand for the people of this country. It has never made any sense. Instead of trying to help pass legislation that would help the people of this country, the Republicans have stood in the path of anything that would improve the lives of the people who will eventually vote them out of office. Instead of trying to show the voters that they have those voters well being in mind, they have stood firmly against much legislation simply because they mistakenly imagined that those same voters would blame Obama for doing nothing when it has been so obvious that he is trying to do something but is being blocked at every turn by right-wing obstructionists who don’t care if their people are out of work or underpaid or lack health care so long as the fat cats who pay their campaign expenses and a little extra are kept happy.


For all the blockage and obstruction that they have sponsored, the right has come up with nothing to replace it. Boehner is correct when he says that he doesn’t want this congress to create legislation, he just wants it to destroy legislation.


And what is their brilliant solution if they can’t get rid of Obamacare. Shut down the government. That’s bright. That’s helpful. We are just getting out of a depression caused by the policies of the last bunch of Republican goons and now their butt boys, the ones who managed to keep their jobs when the last bunch was thrown out, want to make exactly the same mistakes that their predecessors did.  What bad seed is ingrained in the Republican mentality that drives them to try and destroy a perfectly good country?


2014 is going to be one of the most important elections, presidential or non-presidential, in the history of this country. The Republican Party has shown itself to be greedy, self-involved and destructive of everything that is not sponsored by its bigoted, super rich patrons. If the Democrats ever had a chance to really get something done in this era, it is now. Both houses led by a progressive president will have two years to get things done and that should be, at least, a start to putting the nation back on a solid footing.

One thought on “Right is Wrong- One More Time

  1. Right on and especially connecting all the areas of conflict and obstruction. I forwarded with the comment that the health care plan is a step in the direction of the care I get through Veterans Health Care — the best and least expensive health care in this country. Certainly a positive step towards the great health care in Canada. England and nearly all of the EU.

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