Dumber Than Dirt

The current Republican party, especially in the last few years seems to have embarked on a program to solidify their reputation as the most bizarre group of potential inmates in the history of mental illness.

A woman started the trend when Sarah Palin proved to the American public that she was indeed, not vide-presidential material, but was definitely made for reality TV.

I’m probably missing a lot of people in between but she was followed, in the last election cycle, by the Republican debates featuring the seven nutty dwarfs, headlining the dumbest governor in the nation Rick Perry, a crazed Catholic with no Christian charity in his catechism, Rick Santorum and Michelle Bachman, a bitterly anti-gay fanatic with a husband who made everyone think twice about her stand.

They were shoved out of the headlines by the most bigoted governor in the nation, Jan Brewer of Arizona, and organized bigots favorite sheriff since Bull Connor, neo-Nazi Joe Arpaio

But this bunch of serious nut cases came to be regarded as almost sane when the next layer of mental moss was uncovered.  The first nut out of the shell was Todd Akin from Missouri who didn’t believe that women who were victims of “legitimate rape” could get pregnant. He has been followed, not necessarily in chronological order by the likes of a crackpot named Tom River who managed to get a state law passed that would make it a felony to deny that God is responsible for our public safety. Yes, you read that right.

River is made to look sane by Jon Hubbard an Arkansas legislator who thinks that slavery was a blessing in disguise and Charlie Fuqua another clown from Arkansas who is espousing the death penalty for children and the expulsion of all Muslims from the country.  No you can’t make this stuff up.

Crazy Charlie was quickly surpassed on the maniac meter by Roger Rivard of Wisconsin who claims that, “some girls rape so easy.” We know what Roger likes to do in his spare time.

There are those who think that the Bush administration thugs, Wolfowitz, Feith, Perle, Libby, Rove, Rumsfield and Cheney couldn’t be topped even by their current lunatic followers but

right now, up in Wisconsin, senate majority leader Scott Fitzgerald, you think maybe he’s a Catholic, has introduced a bill that would force any woman seeking a first trimester abortion, for any reason, to undergo a trans-vaginal probe. What is he looking for, the Lindberg baby, or does he just like to torture women? This dirtbag goes to the head of the list for the bottom of the barrel.

Is it any wonder that the Republican controlled House fights to the death against climate control? They don’t even know there’s such a thing as a climate. They think that God sits up in heaven and each day decides what he wants the weather to be like.

 “I don’t care if they want to go swimming, he says, it’s only going to be thirty in North Carolina today. Too bad about the picnic, five inches of rain in Wisconsin and we’ll keep the drought going in Texas, they haven’t been using enough snakes at the services.”

Can you imagine the intelligence level of the clowns who voted these people into office? It almost makes one want to demand an intelligence test before you can register to vote.