The Dolan Dilemma



I got a big laugh today when my furious wife forwarded this piece of trash to me, demanding that I reply to Cardinal Timothy Dolan with one of “Your” letters. Normally I would ignore this kind of stupidity from the man who encouraged & supported child molestation rather than sully the name of an already horrendously sullied institution but I‘ve been married for over 45 years and I know when to listen. So here is the Cardinal’s letter.




The Catholic Church is the oldest Christian religion in the world.


When the Catholic Church was founded, there were no hospitals.  Today, one out of five people in this country receive their medical care at a Catholic hospital.


UC: (This is true but if a pregnant woman has an infected uterus, they will let her die in a Catholic hospital rather than abort the fetus.)


When the Catholic Church was founded, there were no schools.  Today, the Catholic Church teaches 3 million students a day in its more than 250 Catholic Colleges and Universities,  its more than 1200 Catholic High Schools and its more than 5,000 Catholic Primary Schools .


UC: (And they usually educate them very well but, if one of them is being abused by a priest that’s teaching in their school the Church will not protect them.)


Every day the Catholic Church feeds, clothes, shelters and educates more people than any other organization in the world.  Faithful Catholics donate millions of their own money to fund these programs.


UC: (This is probably true too but they could do more if they weren’t so wrapped up in predator lawsuits and painting cathedrals)


The new Obama Healthcare Mandate will end all of this and the tax payers will have to make up the shortfall.  Also, all Catholic adoption services will come to an end.  A human disaster.


UC: (This is a blatant threat by a man with no soul. He is lying about the ACA. It will have no impact on any of those services.)


There are more than 77 million Catholics in this country.  It takes an estimated 50 million Catholic votes to elect a president.  I am asking all of you to go to the polls and be united in replacing our current president with a president who will respect the Catholic Church, and respect all religions.


Mr President, you said, “The USA is no longer a Christian Nation”. Yes we are.


You are wrong.


We are a Christian Nation founded on Judeo-Christian values allowing all residents in America to worship and practice according to the dictates of their own conscience.



Cardinal Timothy Dolan





The not so good Cardinal’s statements about the good being done by the Catholic Church is mostly true but let me point out that this was all going on before Dolan had anything to do with anything.  Besides it has nothing to do with the bulk of his threatening letter, a nasty missive taken right from the desk of The Koch brothers when they made this same threat to their employees.


Dolan rages against the Affordable Care Act but gives no evidence as to why it would damage the church or any of its followers. He merely rants that if Obama is re-elected the ACA will end all Catholic services. This is pure fantasy. The only thing that would end Catholic services to the public would be the Bishops and Cardinals cutting them short in order to pay the lawsuits being brought against the Church hierarchy for protecting and in fact encouraging pedophiles from amongst their ranks.


Now there’s not much the Church can do about these lawsuits, because most, if not all of the preying on children has already been done, but in Dolan’s case, in the city of New York, we are closing Catholic schools for lack of funds while Dolan is throwing seven million bucks into the trash to renovate St. Patrick’s, a cathedral that just doesn’t need renovating. St. Pat’s may not be the shiniest, coin in town and maybe Tim of the red coat doesn’t think it shows him off in this most radiant style when he flashes the big ring, but maybe educating kids and helping the poor is more important than a new coat of paint for a most majestic building that already wears its age with style. It’s too bad that the not so good Cardinal doesn’t agree.


Trying to blackmail Catholics into voting for a candidate that will harm all but the richest is a pretty non-Christian move. I mean, what would Jesus think?


And, by the way, your mistaken eminence, this is not a Christian country. If you had bothered to read the constitution or any of the work of the men who wrote that document and founded this country, you would know that they mostly had a horror of organized religion and specifically made it a point to say so.


As soon as this becomes a “Christian Nation” it will no longer have freedom of religion because most religions and most specifically Roman Catholicism, tend to burn anyone who doesn’t agree with them at the stake. Read your history.


And before all you true believers out there get yourselves in an uproar about any lack of respect I seem to be showing in this letter, let me state that the not so good Cardinal gave up all claim to respect when he took off his Cardinal hat and put on his politician hat. We all know how politicians are viewed in this era and Dolan appears to be emulating the slimiest of the group.