The Wrong Approach

When people on the Right attack people on the Left for calling them liars and stupid they should understand that there is a basis for those accusations and that, that basis is the GOP’s current presidential candidate.

Yes, Romney’s at it again, this week calling attention to a closed factory in Ohio and labeling it a symbol of the Obama administration’s economic failure.

It sounds good doesn’t it? Look at this crumbling pile of rubbish. Think of all the jobs lost, all the families with no food or housing that once worked here. A real tearjerker. Only one problem, the factory closed during the Bush administration.

See, that’s why the Left calls the Right, liars and stupid. Either Romney knew the truth about the factory and was flat out lying about it to get an edge or he didn’t know, was fantasying , and was dumb enough to think nobody would check.

How can a guy who wants to run the country be so (pick one or more) lazy, dishonest or dumb? If Romney and the rest of his backers and stooges would stop and listen to the basic bullshit they are trying to sell to unaffiliated voters, who are after all the targets of both party’s high cost campaigns they would understand that those unaffiliated voters are the smart ones, the thinkers, the non-followers, the considerers, not the nose in the butt crack followers of one side or the other. As such it takes a little more than just shouting gay or abortion, black or illegal immigrant, to get them to pay attention to your faulted rhetoric.

The Right keeps harping on the Obama job losses, hoping against hope that no one will actually do their homework and find out that most of the job losses, over 350,000 per month happened in the last year of the Bush administration and that the last few that actually happened after Obama was sworn into office happened in the first three months of 2009 before Obama could put any policies in place.

Could Obama be doing a better job promoting new employment? Sure, but the truth be known, most of what he has tried in that realm has been stymied by the GOP whose only governmental aim during the first three years of Obama’s administration has been to keep him from getting re-elected; this by their own admission. If that’s the only aim of any political party that is supposed to be trying to run a country than that party is nothing but pathetic, and that’s what the GOP has proved to be.

Not that the Dems are much better. Stunned by the 2010 elections, they have floundered around doing nothing; hoping desperately that if that don’t get noticed and don’t get anyone angry at them they can hold onto their pathetic jobs one term more.

In this process, both parties have abandoned the electorate, greedily hanging onto their patronage and their perks and ignoring the needs of the people who elected them and the country.

The President has also had big failures but they have been somewhat mitigated, by at least attempts to solve problems. His healthcare bill, not perfect but at least a start where no other president was able to get even that far, his attempts to regulate Wall Street and the banking industry, his sometimes confusing forays into energy and the environment and especially his policies of pursuit and execution of our countries enemies have stood head and shoulders above anything either party has done in congress.

His biggest failure appears to be his inability to get more people back into jobs but he has tried and it appears that he is trying some more. To accomplish these aims, he needs one of two alternatives to happen. Either the Dems have to get up off their asses, put some push into their whine and wheel and deal with those they can speak to on the other side in an attempt to back the presidents policies or the GOP has to sit down on their asses and stop getting in the way of progressive programs that will give the work force a chance to get back on the job

These are not earth shattering concepts. The way to reduce unemployment is to create jobs.  The jobs we have to create now are jobs that can be filled by our currently unemployed. We are speaking about an undereducated employment force that can’t wait three years to get educated to the new technology. That will come later. Right now we have to create jobs for the people who need them and those jobs have to be long on muscle and short on tech know how. Our country is desperately in need of infrastructure repair, high-speed rail transportation and airport facilities. Those are the jobs we need and the ones we have unemployed workers to fill.

This is the kind of stuff that can take years to get off the board or it can come off in a flash, the way it did during and after WWII. It’s all a question of will and cooperation. If the White House has the will and if the parties decide to cooperate, it can be done and it can be done fast. But that means everyone, for once, has to drop his or her agenda and focus on doing the job, not pleasing their backers or some lobbyist or the guy whose mother controls ten votes in the second district.

I for one don’t think we have that kind of ability, honesty or integrity in congress. I don’t think we will ever get all those hacks to function and focus on something as important for the country without putting their own agendas first. I would love to be proved wrong but if I’m not then that s a sure sign for November. Vote them all out.

I once said, that based on the results of the 2010 election and the disastrous Tea Party victory that took about 60 seats and elected about 3 functional people to them that such an action was counter productive. I still think so but the current bunch of crooked, do nothings in congress can’t be any worse than a new bunch of stupid do nothings so why not give it a try.

We need to do something to get people back in jobs. People who work, pay taxes, do not collect unemployment insurance, create product, add to GDP. The lack of this is the primary problem in this country right now. If we don’t solve it we are truly screwed.