Bits & Pieces #20

The Pope, in another decision right out of the middle ages has made Timothy Cardinal Dolan, a prince of the Church, a title that says it all about where this top heavy, power crazed organization is coming from. A prince, royalty; another prelate to step on the necks of the masses, another dictator to tell them how to think; this despite the fact that he hasn’t had an original thought in his entire tenure.

Now, Dolan, proving that he is as out of touch as any degenerate Renaissance prelate, has announced that the cash strapped diocese will throw away 45 million bucks to renovate an already sumptuous St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Way to go Timmy baby. You ignored and protected predatory priests. You wasted millions needed to help the sick and poor, on law suits that were the result of your defense of the, anything but Christ like behavior, exhibited by these degenerates, and now when the diocese is closing desperately needed schools for lack of funds, now when St, Vincent’s hospital was forced out of business for lack of funds, now when Catholic Charities has more need of funds to feed and house the poor then ever before, now you decide to throw away much needed millions to pretty up a tourist attraction.


Contrary to the Republican candidates ridiculous accusations, gas prices are not caused by war, lack of drilling or anything else except Wall Street traders who deal in oil futures and commodity traders manipulating the market. They are the cause of high gas prices and it’s about time everybody accepted that fact. They actually add about $1.00 per gallon to gas prices as they trade oil futures back and forth, making a profit on each escalating trade.

The Newtish one claims that he doesn’t want another American president to bow to a Saudi King. In making that claim he is obviously catering to his unsophisticated redneck base. In reality, anyone with any brains or knowledge of international affairs knows that said bow is merely a matter of respect, something, respect, that the Newted thing proves he knows nothing about when he bows to the degenerate Rush Limbaugh.

But on another side of the coin, Newtey is spot on in his opinion of how we are handling the Koran burning crisis. Let’s face it, the books were burned because the Muslim prisoners were using them to pass messages, thereby desecrating them before our soldiers ever got their hands on them.  If they had been using the Korans only for prayer this incident never would have happened. The Muslim fanatics who are making such a stink about the burnings are full of crap and we should treat them like the lying scum they are and we should also retaliate against anyone who brings violence against our troops.

Most of all, we should be pulling every American kid out of their worthless country. We don’t understand Afghanistan and they don’t want our help or our presence.


The GOP keeps complaining about Obama apologizing to people of other nations for bad things we, as a nation and George Bush our previous out of touch president have done. This, contrary to the GOP’s twisted logic, is not a bad thing and they should just get over it. Their attitude reminds me of a couple of macho kids who don’t want to back down so they get into a fight over nothing. Our previous screw up in the White House got everyone in the world to hate us by his superior attitude and disregard of international civility. Barak has just been trying to show the rest of the world that we are not a nation of arrogant assholes like Bush and Cheney.

Obama understands that his job is to keep the world on our side and to keep our kids from getting killed in dumb wars.  Let’s hope he holds firm to that attitude because the next war we are facing is against Iran and there are a lot of warmongers who would like to start that one right now. Obama’s number one job is to show them that the solution to the Iran problem is to convince Iranians that it is in heir own best interest to abandon any nuclear plans.


I keep hearing people say that the United States is a Christian nation. Where the hell do they get that idea? The First Amendment clearly states that,  “Congress shall make no law representing an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” It’s one of the first things that our founding fathers dealt with and was constantly on their minds

George Washington stated in the Treaty of Tripoli in 1796 that, “…the government of the United States is not, in any sense founded on the Christian religion…” How clear can you be? Sure we have lots of Christians in this country but the point of this country is that there shall be no religion that dominates our government.  So when a bunch of Baptists or Catholics or Presbyterians starts bitching that the mayor won’t let them stick a kresh in front of town hall there’s a reason for his actions. How would those same Christians feel if the mayor let a bunch of Muslims hold their prayer service on the football field?

This country was founded by people fighting to escape the tentacles of religious power. The last thing they had in mind was the founding of a religious nation. They did not want the pressure of religious power, limiting the freedom to live their lives as they saw fit. So get it straight, this isn’t a Christian nation, we’re just a nation that’s ass deep in Christians.


Well, it finally happened. Even the Republicans have gotten sick of all the lying they’re doing. The Newtish one finally got fed up and accused Romney of lying so much that he, Newt, couldn’t go on with the debate. He used as an example; an opponent who is adamant that two plus two equals five, so the discussion has nowhere to go. This is what he claims Romney is doing and he’s right.  Of course Newt did it too. Politicians have been famous through the ages for lying but the present day Republicans have brought the process to a new low.


The religious right is, at this moment in time, surging in popularity, but there are now and have always been, stable conservatives who understand the dangers of a secular country

being too strongly influenced by religious fanatics.

In the words of someone who should know:

“Mark my words, if and when these preachers get control of the Republican Party and they’re sure trying to do so, it’s going to be a terrible damned problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can’t and won’t compromise. I know, I’ve tried to deal with them.”

Barry Goldwater


And finally, Governor Jan Brewer, the woman who thinks like a very dumb man, signed into law a bill that defines the beginning of life in Arizona, as the first day of the woman’s last period. To those of you who are bad at math, that means a woman is officially pregnant in Arizona, about the time she starts thinking some guy is looking pretty good.