Trump Trash****


It’s pretty much impossible to do everything wrong. Even the greatest f***ups in history got something right once in a while but right now Donald Trump is trying to put the lie to that statement, big time! Now there’s a good one. Donald Trump trying to put the lie to something he didn’t say himself. Trump and his administration have gone out of their way to lie about everything of which they have spoken. Not just the big stuff but almost every single item, large or small, that has come before the President.

Case in point: A young man named Seth Rich was murdered recently, in what the police have described as a botched robbery. Previous to the crime and during the time of the investigation the President of the United States had two related problems that were driving him nuts. The first; despite winning the election he had lost the popular vote. The second; various government agencies were investigating the Russians and affiliated persons in this country for colluding to interfere with our election. The loss of the popular vote along with the aspersion that the Russian interference had helped him win the election were like a tic under Trump’s skin.

Suddenly there was a story on Fox news that alluded to the assumption that Mr. Rich had been murdered to cover up his work for the DNC aimed at falsely connecting Trump with the hacking of the DNC emails. The point of the story being that unnamed Democrats had put Rich to work to create this false story to implicate Trump in a conspiracy in order to undermine the Clinton chances in the election.

Then a Detective named Ron Wheeler was contacted by Rich’s family to investigate the still unsolved murder. In the course of his investigation he discovered the fact that before the story was published it was presented to Trump for his editing and approval and only after that had been done was it published.

Apparently the real reason to create this story was so that it could be debunked. Then Trump would look like the victim and gain sympathy because it would appear that the Democrats had tried to entrap him in a lie. In fact, all the lies came from the White House.

Now, what the Trumpies did was bad enough but when one considers the family of the dead man who now had to deal with, not only the fact of his untimely death but in addition, the news stories about how he was a despicable spy for the Democrats who had been killed for his misdeeds, one begins to understand the depths of the White house depravity, the despicable nature of its moral decay and the virulent dishonesty that it projects in all its actions.

Notes- a lawsuit filed in federal Court by Rod Wheeler, the private detective involved, claims a Fox News article was reviewed and changed by Donald Trump before publication. Wheeler says reporter Malia Zimmerman fabricated his quotes in the edited and changed 5/16/17 story. The story was retracted a week after it was published, ostensibly for not meeting Fox standards. We all know how high those are. The published story implied that Rich was killed for leaking internal DNC emails to WikkilLeaks. Wheeler claims he complained to Ed Butowsky, a Trump supporter and major donor, that the story was not true. Butowsky told him that was the way Trump wanted the article to read. Wheeler’s suit claims that Zimmerman, Butowsky and Fox created FAKE NEWS to advance Trump’s Presidential agenda.

In the suit Wheeler also claims he and Butowsky met with Sean Spicer in April. Butowsky alleges that at Spicer’s request he provided regular updates on the story. In May, Spicer denied any knowledge of the meeting. Now Spicer admits that the meeting did take place but it was about a story the White House denied any involvement in or knowledge of. In his suit Wheeler supplies both a text message and an email from Fox, stating; “Not to add any more pressure but the President just read the article. He wants the article out immediately. It’s now all up to you. But don’t feel the pressure.”

Then there are the emails that Butkowsky sent to Fox anchors just before the story was aired:

“I’m actually the one who’s been putting this together but as you know I keep my name out of things because I have no credibility. One of the big conclusions we need to draw from this is that the Russians did not hack our computer systems and steal emails and there was no collusion like Trump with the Russians.”

Butkowsky also emailed these anchors:

“The narrative in the interviews you might use is that you and Fox news reporter Malia Zimmerman’s work prove that the Russians didn’t hack into the DNC and steal the emails and impact the election. If you can try to highlight, this puts the Russian hacking story to rest.”

The next morning two empty suits and a blonde bimbo on Fox told the nation that this story made it look like the Russians didn’t hack anything but that Seth Rich probably did. Of course Fox has retracted the whole thing but the damage was already done, both to Rich’s reputation and to the truth.

Why did I report this story? Well, first to set the record straight but mainly to give another example of the despicable lengths that Trump and his lackeys will go to dispute the fact that he actually lost the popular election. It’s obvious that in his warped mind this makes his election win tainted. What Trump is too sick to understand, is that no one but him cares. Either way we are still stuck with him and his useless administration.


Vote for Amy McGrath for Senator in Kentucky. A true American hero and the kind of candidate the Democrats really need.


We have an uninformed and unenlightened President and just so he can maintain that stance Donald Trump has chosen as his main advisor, his son-in law, Jared Kushner, the son of a felon and, like his father-in-law, a crooked real estate developer. What has Kushner to offer as Trump’s main advisor and the man in charge of our Middle East policy? Zero! Just to prove that, he now informs us that he doesn’t want to know anything about the Middle East’s history and feels that there are already too many books. A staunchly enlightened viewpoint! No I’m not kidding. Kushner in one of his latest quotes, stated about the Middle East;

“We don’t want a history lesson. We’ve read enough books. Let’s focus on, how do you come up with a conclusion to the situation.”

Well, Jared, maybe if you knew just a little about who these people are and how they have, historically, reacted to other situations, maybe, just maybe, you would have some scintilla of an hint how to react to what they want and what they are now doing to get it.

The fact that this spoiled little punk is the President’s principal advisor should be more than enough to throw Trump out of office, but of course there isn’t enough gumption in the whole Republican Party to get up on their hind legs and move to impeach.

Trump’s idiot sons, Uday and Qusay plus this clown, are prime examples of rich, entitled brats who never had to do anything to get through life but point and whine. Hell, Trump himself is the same example. His father set him up n business, bailed him out when he failed and then had the good sense to die before this cheap crook and con man reached the presidency. A previous example of this syndrome can be found in the Bush family, resulting in the worst president in the history of our country previous to Donald Trump.

The leaders of the Arab world may still be living in the seventh century but they are more than capable of broiling Kushner over a vat of oil and having him for lunch. We are playing the world game with our scrubs and if we continue to do so we will end up like all second rate teams. Decimated!


Because he doesn’t know and has never tried to understand the situation in Afghanistan, Trump is now leaving it all up to his generals. He wants desperately to win that never-ending war but doesn’t really understand that there is no victory because the military result isn’t what will dictate how Afghanistan moves ahead into the future. Everyone from Mathis on down knows that there is no military victory in the offering and unless we can stabilize the country economically and educationally the chaos will only continue. This is true in every country we are involved in across the world. You can’t create democracies just by holding elections. Most of these people have no idea who is even running. They are told to go out and vote and who to vote for and very few of them even have a concept of what is going on.

These electorates are completely uneducated, the leadership is criminally corrupt and the military only interested in power. They aren’t ready for democracy, which is why dictators work so well, at least until they become so corrupt they take away the people’s ability to lead functional lives. If we want to nation build that’s what we have to contend with and that is what we have to learn to turn around. Killing more people is not the answer. Showing them how their lives can be better under our type of government is, but Trump doesn’t get that. Trump ran for President thinking that if elected, he would be King. That is exactly how he has acted ever since he took office, so how can we expect him to be able to lead us to a viable solution in places like Afghanistan, Somalia and Iraq?


Everybody warned Trump that his biggest problem in foreign policy would be North Korea. Well it happened! And he’s anything but ready for it. Whining that he will reign down fire and fury on the Koreans is not an intelligent reaction to the ranting’s of their terrified little leader. Better he should understand that Kim Jung-un is protecting his own leadership in a barely civilized country where killing off leaders has always been a parlor game.

Kim is all about keeping control of his country. Losing control means losing his head. He and his father before him have established that the way to keep control of his regime has been to establish a nuclear threat. Kim looks around and sees other dictators who did not have a nuclear option, leaders like Saddam and Kaddafi who tried to stand up to the United States and who are now very dead. Kim doesn’t want his name on a tombstone. Not yet. He sees that Russia, China, Pakistan, India, Israel and Iran among others have all managed to keep their regimes in tact. He clearly understands what a role model is. He just as clearly understands that he doesn’t have a chance in hell in a shooting war against the U.S. He isn’t going to start such a war. He just wants us to think that he is capable of doing that if we try to take away his toys.

This is pretty basic child psychology. Unfortunately Trump is too much of a child himself to recognize it. Instead of blabbering out bullshit he should be sending quiet messages to Kim, explaining that we are really on his side but we also have to show some strength. The last thing that will accomplish these goals is to have a shooting war. Maybe if Kim backs off his tests and we relax our sanctions, we can come up with something like what we have going with Iran and everybody will get what they want. This is probably too intelligent a move for Trump to contemplate but we can still wait and hope.