First 100 Days # 9

With the travel ban, healthcare and the accusation against his predecessor all going against him, Trump went on the road to whine to struggling autoworkers that think he’s going to save their jobs. The man does love the sound of cheering crowds, even if they are people who aren’t smart enough to understand that he is screwing them.

Getting raves from auto workers who love the fact that he has added a couple of hundred jobs even as he has ripped up a piece of Obama legislation that will allow their grandchildren to breath the air around them. Trump is so wrong he needs to be twins to soak it all up.

Then Trump’s budget came out and it really hit the fan.

This idiotic budget cuts:


Agriculture 21%

Labor 21%

Health & Human Services 18%

Commerce 16%

Education 14%

The environmental Protection Agency 31% which eliminates 50 programs and 3,200 jibs

So while he is cutting all these important programs, his budget throws away $1.7 billion in 2017 and $2.6 billion in 2018 to build a useless wall that is not needed because more Mexicans are currently leaving this country than are coming in.

So with these horrendous facts, Mick Mulvaeny, Director of the Budget office goeson Morning Joe to defend what is a basically indefensible position that adds $54 billion to an already bloated and wasteful defense budget. And what is Mulvaney’s reasoning? The President said on the campaign trail that he was going to do all this. And that makes it right? That’s like a two-year-old saying, “because”.

Of course the excuse that Mulvaney uses is, people voted for Trump because of those promises. People voted for Trump because they thought he was going to create jobs for them. He isn’t doing that. Why make this stupid budget move? Are we really so defenseless? With a military that equals the next ten nations in the world are we really so vulnerable? If we are, we should start cutting off heads at he Pentagon not giving them more money to waste.

When questioned, Mulvaney comes up with his most stupid, senseless, comment. He feels we can ask a welfare mother in Detroit or a coal miner in West Virginia to pay for defense programs but not for Public Radio, school lunches or Meals-On-Wheels. That is the single most brain dead thing I have heard an adult say in the last year. Does this moron really think that a single struggling mother would choose defense spending over child-care or education? What rat hole did this reptile crawl out of?


So the White House still stands behind the nonsense that Obama wiretapped Trump Tower. Trump continues with the big lie, as does all those employed by him to cover the lies that have continued from his fetid lips since the beginning of his campaign. GOP apologists for Trump like Bob Woodward refuse to admit that the fat Orange has lied. Just about everyone else including many members of his own party admit that Trump is a degenerate liar. How does one know he’s lying? His lips are moving.


We are over two months into Trump’s assault on the nation and so far he has accomplished absolutely nothing. He hasn’t created any real job; he hasn’t even started building a wall. His attack on the ACA is a pathetic excuse for a healthcare bill. His new budget is so destructive that it isn’t being seriously considered. Mick Mulvaney, the guy carrying the weight on the budget, babbles about single mothers in Detroit and coal miners in West Virginia and then tells us that the big numbers in this budget are going to finance disasters like the F-35, the multi million dollar fighter plane that after a dozen years and hundreds of billions of wasted dollars is still on the ground.

Mulvaney attacks Meals-on -Wheels claiming it hasn’t done anything but feed hungry people. He should probably talk to the half million vets that benefit from it before he makes any more stupid statements. Then he says that there is no demonstrable evidence that after school or lunch programs help children lean. HE LIES! Just like almost everyone else in Trumps coterie.

Mulvaney stood before millions and lied. There is demonstrable evidence that after school programs help children and provide for better education. That evidence is all over the Internet. Denying I is just another example of the administration’s lies. So now everything Mulvaney says is under a cloud. We cannot believe anything he says and as an excuser of the budget he is useless. Worse, he is a negative force. Trump should fire him immediately.

What Mulvaney is obviously too stupid to understand is that cuts to HHS and CDC of funds for research and disease control are far more important than any military defense numbers because we lose far more people to disease than we do to any war ever fought. More people died of cancer last year than were killed in the Civil War on both sides combined. Are you more worried about getting cancer or about being hit by an Iranian missile?

Trump’s budget is a moral statement! Wrong! IT’S AN IMMORAL ONE. If there is any purpose to government, it is to take care of those who cannot take care of themselves. The billionaires are self sufficient, many who make a little less are also able to take care of themselves but there are many, millions that need government help in order to live a functional life. What’s tragically ironic is that most of Trump’ voters, those large groups of blue-collar workers that have lost, or are threatened to lose their work are the biggest consumers of public largess. It’s an unquestioned fact that the Red States and those in the mid-west that went for Trump are the ones that have a negative tax/benefit score. They take much more in services than they pay in taxes. It’s the coasts, which favor national assistance that actually pay more in taxes than they take in services.

Let’s see how the Red States like it when Trump and his billionaire cabinet take away the services on which they depend and spend that money on fighter planes that don’t fly but instead feed money into the big corporations and their owners that make them.


With the deadline coming up for Trump to provide some proof of the lies he told two weeks ago about Obama wiretapping Trump Tower, the Donald sent his sleazy friend Christopher Ruddy to This Week to continue the administration’s policy of lying about everything anyone has ever brought to the table.

Ruddy started out praising the “incredible” record that the Trump White House brings has already accomplished, including an A+ cabinet, tens of thousands of new jobs created and an impressive meeting with Angela Merkle that he claims included hundreds of millions of dollars in concessions from her. He never mentions on what. Then he goes on to praise Trump for his disastrous budget and his so far failed healthcare plan. He whines that the press isn’t covering the leaks. Stephanopoulos didn’t even argue the obvious ludicrousness of all these statements but went directly to one question. Perceiving the obvious false accusation that now appears to be completely without basis, what is it going to take for Trump to retract and apologize?

Like everyone else associated with the lying administration Ruddy dances around for a while trying to change the subject and finally admits that he doesn’t speak for Trump. Okay. That’s acceptable. So why the hell is he wasting everyone’s time and making himself look like a fool on national TV? Ruddy is just another moronic sycophant who clings to Trump’s shoes because he thinks it gives him some status in the warped world that Trump inhabits.


Sure Trump wants $54 billion more for the Pentagon. We’re going to need all the military capability we can get when this idiot gets done insulting every national leader in the universe. So far he’s managed to insult our three closest allies, Australia, Great Britain and Germany. He has already turned the edge on other countries around the world that don’t bear us the same allegiance. If he is allowed to keep this up, with the obvious collusion of his Secretary of State who all but threatened nuclear Armageddon in North Korea the other day, we will need all the A-bombs we can get.


Trump and Pence were in Florida telling Floridians how bad Obamacare was but pointedly not mentioning that it could have been fixed by the Republicans at any time over the last seven years if it hadn’t been named after a black guy.

Tom Price tried to explain that they are working on a there-tiered plan and that what we have seen so far is only the first part. Okay. So sit on what you’ve got until you know what the hell you’re talking about in the second and third parts and once you have a whole plan come back and let us look at it. There’s no rush. You have been sitting on it for seven years already. This nonsense about accepting the first part and trust us about the rest is pure bullshit!

Price claims that it isn’t about politics, it is about health care and he’s right. It’s about people losing their health care because the GOP is so interested in giving that tax money back to the rich that they just don’t give a damn about how many die.

Watching the ever sleazy Mick Mulvaney try to make the new tax plans seem functional, was a real hoot. Watching him try to make the repeal of the tax that mostly pays for healthcare and gives the rich an additional bonus of $188 billion over the next ten years while it screws the working people out of that money is a theatrical event.

With all the talk about the negotiations that are going on in the Republican party between the moderates, the conservatives, the Ryan crowd and the President, there seems to be little that will be agreed on. More importantly; the two elephants in the room are not being argued, not even being mentioned. I’m talking about the huge tax cut for the rich and single payer system. These two items are the solutions to all the other problems and no Republican wants to talk about them. No Democrat, for that matter, wants to talk about anything. When they lost the election they obviously left for another planet and those are just dummies sitting in their seats in both houses of congress.


The healthcare bill was up for a vote in the House on Thursday. Why? It’s certainly not ready. The GOP howled that the ACA was pushed through too fast but it took a year and a half to get it to a vote and before it did Obama had almost the entire medical establishment behind it. The Republicans have been at it only about a month and they are so hot to trot that it’s obvious to anyone who is watching that they haven’t got a bill and they want to move fast so no one recognizes that fact.

Trump thinks that just because he wrote a book with the word DEAL in the title he is a great negotiator. That might work if he had the right stuff to make the deal but he’s dealing with a bunch of conservatives who really don’t want medical health, who only want the rich to stop paying taxes. That’s why no one can come up with a plan that is fiscally functional. Health care takes money. That money should come from taxes. That’s how functional countries work. Yeah, it smacks of socialism but sometime socialist ideas have some worth. This is one of those times. What’s more important to you; that some rich pig can buy a significant piece of Panama or that the kids in your school system have good health care?

Donald Trump wants to pass a bill. Any bill. He really doesn’t care if it’s good, bad or indifferent. That’s because he is the selfish, egomaniac that he is. He needs a success after two months of one failure and stupid move after another. He understands that the GOP is split into three camps; those who want to save money for the rich and really don’t want any healthcare plan, those who want to get rid of anything with Obama’s name on it but understand that they need some kind of plan or they will be voted out of office and those who really want a good healthcare plan but can’t agree n how to get there. Trump thinks that he will be able to get these three camps together because they are all afraid of what they are facing if they don’t repeal & replace the ACA. He has already forgotten all the promises he made when he was running to keep healthcare and to cover everyone better than the ACA. No aspect of any of the three kinds of healthcare that various parts of the GOP wants even comes close to keeping Trumps promise to the American people

The GOP says it wants to bring back affordable insurance but that’s impossible because insurance by its nature reaches for its most profitable aspect in all instances. That means that it will never be really affordable because in order to do that it cannot make a profit. It doesn’t want to live in that world so the only successful medical coverage must come from the government and a non-profit world. Watched Congressman Jim Jordan double talk his way through this argument. It was like watching Professor Irwin Corey explain nuclear fission. During his disreputable career Trump has put his name in gold letters on buildings, ties, golf clubs, schools, everything it seems but his feces. Why is it he doesn’t want it on this healthcare bill? Maybe he really does know it’s a stinkeroo.


The Gorsuch hearing proceeded apace this week and quite frankly Judge Gorsuch acquitted himself quite well. It’s understandable that the Democrats are still bent out of shape about the screwing they got from Mitch McConnell on Merrick Garland but I think it would be a mistake for them to expend any unnecessary capitol on fighting what is probably the most qualified candidate that they could expect. This isn’t a slobbering irrational clown like Scalia or a stupid dishonest misogynist like Clarence Thomas and for that the Dems should be thankful. This guy looks, speaks and carries himself like the real deal. Sure he’s a conservative and there will be things that progressives don’t agree with him on, but that’s life and politics. It all could have been avoided, at least for a year, if Obama had, had the stones to stand up to the GOP and appoint Garland when he had the chance on January 3rd on the Senate’s changeover day. He didn’t and now we all pay the price.