Chaos in Cleveland- Day2

Just in case you have forgotten what a giant clusterf**k the GOP has created and called a convention, they reminded us again last night when the Alaska delegation stopped the entire convention to object to the fact that the candidate that they supported had actually been elected. Yeah, you read that right. Even without Sara Palin clogging their drain, our Republican citizens from Alaska are really more at home cleaning fish than they are taking part in the Democratic process.

It seems that the Trump convention just can’t get out of its own way. Is this how they expect to run a government? Tiffany Trump, a pretty girl set in the Playboy mold of the whole family, spoke last night. She spoke lovingly of her father checking her homework and made a very good if forgettable impression. Lso on the early bill were three GOP hacks, McConnell, Christie and Ryan, none of whom impressed.

McConnell and Christie spent their time attacking Hillary Clinton and to a lesser degree Barak Obama. McConnell ran a litany of all the bills that had passed the Senate and that Obama had vetoed. As he listed each one, all I could think of was Thank God!   Then the fat guy who already thinks of himself as America’s prosecutor set up a kangaroo court to attack Hillary. If you ever followed any of Christie’s prosecutions when he was Attorney General of New Jersey you would recognize the scenario. The jury was hand picked, the evidence tampered with and the charges rigged but he did inspire the red, white and blue garbed morons in the gallery to chant, “Lock Her Up.” Actually fat boy’s chances of getting locked up are a lot better than Hillary’s.

Ryan seemed to be the only one who understood that they have to give the unaffiliated something to vote for, not just someone to vote against. In any case he actually tried to lay out some kind of platform even though it appeared that no one was listening to such a reasonable approach. Those in the hall are really the epitome of shit kicking idiots.

Then Donald Trump Jr. spoke. He was very impressive if you’ve only been listening to his father and Mitch McConnell. He spoke to his father’s best attributes and he did it very well. He reads a cue card fairly well gives the impression of intelligence and forcefulness. Most important, however, was the fact he tried to promote someone that you would want to vote for, rather than someon you want to vote against. That is very important. Maybe only his kids think we should vote for Trump but that’s a hell of a lot better than the fools and phonies who only know to attack Hillary and never mention Trump.

He did get in trouble twice; once, when he attacked business regulation, not understanding that it was businessmen like his father, who, by cheating their employees and partners, created the need for regulation. The second time was when he got into Benghazi, not knowing what had happened or where the responsibility lay, but still having an opinion, incorrect as it was.


Look, we all expect politicians to lie a little, but watching the GOP convention is like watching the invention of the big lie. So far I have not seen one speaker that didn’t abuse the privilege. I just watched Ted Cruz, and what’s really bizarre is that even before they booed him off the stage, the crowd was going crazy cheering for him, holding up signs that read country first. This fool is talking about freedom and how we are the country that holds out a promise to the downtrodden and the immigrant, and the very people he is speaking to hate all freedom except theirs, spend their time rejecting immigrants and blacks, and hate anyone who isn’t snow white and stupid.

Newt Gingrich came after Cruz and tried to save Cruz’ bacon but wasn’t able to. Then, like all Republicans, none of who produce any facts, he went into attack mode and started to lie, big time. He claims, with no evidence that Obama lied about he Iran deal but cynically doesn’t say what the lie was. He claims that Hillary lied about Benghazi but again, doesn’t say what the lie was. He claims that Hillary and Obama lie when they say hey can screen the refugees. He claims that they can not. Yet not one single screened refugee has been involved in any kind of crime or misdemeanor since this crisis began.


The really unbelievable story came out of the Kasich office today when they revealed that Donald Jr. had called to offer Kasich the VP slot and told him that if he accepted it he could have control of Foreign policy and the domestic agenda. When Kasich asked what then would Trump be doing, Donald Jr. told him that Trump would be making America Great Again. That’s really scary. When faced with this accusation Don Jr.’s reaction was to say, in effect, “Who would make an offer like that?” But he never denied it.


Pence gave a speech, in which he started out by saying

he was the boring member of the Presidential team and then he went ahead and proved it. They talk about being the party of change but there’s nothing about Pence that says anything about change. He is about as Republican establishment as you can get. He is all about twisted Christian values, failed economic policies and creating jobs by doing the same thing that has made the jobs disappear. He is as clueless as Trump is crazy; and yes, he is boring, boring enough to put an insomniac to sleep.


Of course Ted Cruz has already come out and told the convention, not to vote for Trump but to vote their conscience, a direct slap at Trump. So the delegates got wild, get angry and booed Cruz. But what did they expect? He is a guy who called Trump a liar for months even while Trump accused his father of killing JFK and made snide remarks about his wife.


Both the Trump boys spoke at length about their father and his ability to get stuff done. Donald jr. is a better speaker, not the eloquent orator that those desperate for something good to say at this disaster of a convention were trying to portray, but he didn’t stumble over many of his words, was forceful at the right moments and until he went off the deep end attacking Clinton, did a pretty fair job of setting up his sleazy father for sainthood.

Eric spoke okay; certainly not eloquently but he did a workmanlike job. Unfortunately he chose to go into his father’s business practices, whereupon he praised, what is essentially, a cheap crook and con man, as having values, to which we are supposed to aspire. If stiffing our contractors, filing for bankruptcy to avoid your debts, creating 3,500 lawsuits and conning poor people out of their money by selling them worthless diplomas from a non-university are good values and accepted business practices, than Trump is a saint. Where I come from and that’s NYC, he’s a disease and his kid is a fool for trying to make him anything else.


Haley Barbour was on Morning Joe with a couple of sub-par GOP congressmen who will be forever forgettable but who kept harping on how Hillary was going to try to change the constitution. They went on and on about how Trump will defend that sacred document. This was particularly funny when one realizes that it’s an out bet that Trump has never read the constitution and certainly can’t quote even one line from it.

So much from: “Chaos in Cleveland.” Let’s see what happens next.