Election Views #12


Things are really getting bad for Trump. He recently begged the Republican leaders to just shut up and let him do it all by himself. Yeah, that’s a good idea. Paul Ryan, while desperately trying to hold onto the Party, is scrambling to help the down ticket candidates to hold onto their seats in congress is still unable to come out and speak for Trump because it is painfully obvious that Trump is a loser and a thickheaded, asinine one to boot.

Those who are trying to salvage anything they can from the carnage of the GOP election process have brought in the biggest loser of all time, George W. Bush, a man who departed office at the bottom of the sewer after almost destroying the country. Now a few really desperate GOP types are bringing him back from the grave to try and scare up a few votes that might save a seat or two in the House. But how many more will he cost them?

The GOP candidates have as their only lifeline, the most denigrated President in history but the Democrats have a President whose favorability numbers are as high as any president in recent history.

You watch Trump on the stump and you watch Hillary Clinton and only the most bigoted racist can see even the remotest comparison. Hillary stands before her audience, explains the problems she sees, indicates the ones she plans to attack once she is in office and delineates the ways in which she will go about doing that. Trump stands on his platform spitting invective at anyone and everyone who disagrees with him, even slightly. He rants on and on about what he will do, but has shown no knowledge of any of the areas in which he is dealing, no concept of how he might reasonably solve any problems, no understanding of the fact that saying it isn’t doing it or that his senseless, psychotic rants mean nothing without facts and plans. These elements are completely foreign to his egomaniacal persona.


John McCain might have been a hero in a previous life but once he entered politics he abandoned any heroic stances and became the lowest, most scurvy politician imaginable. He first showed the yellow feathers in his run against Obama when he picked an idiotic psychopath for the second most important job in the country just to curry favor with the nut cake vote. He picked Sarah Palin, a mentally unstable, morally deranged, white trash crackpot, to be one heartbeat from the button. This unstable bimbo walked away from her governorship of Alaska because she wasn’t up to doing the job. The moment McCain took her on he abandoned any righteous claim to any job in the US government. Now he is clawing to hold on to a Senate seat that would be better served by almost anyone else, and in doing so he is currying favor from a man who stated that he was not a hero but a loser who became a prisoner and therefore was not entitled to any consideration. That man is, of course, Donald Trump; the hero who ran from the draft, a man that all Republicans with even a minimal trace self-respect have walked away from. But not McCain! McCain, long ago gave up any pretense of self-respect. Now he degrades himself at the feet of the worst political candidate this country has seen in decades. And he seems to enjoy being the lackey of an egomaniacal fool.


Watched Paul Ryan speaking to Chuck Todd, while trying to weasel out of the dilemma that Donald Trump has engulfed him in. The most interesting part was when he started talking about his job as speaker of the House and his responsibility to the country. He seems to think that he has proposed some working solutions to the problems of this country. All he’s actually done is add to them. The GOP loaded House, which he leads, has dragged its feet on every single attempt to get anything productive done for the country. I’m speaking here about jobs, guns, national health, trade, military spending or anything else of significant value. You name it, and congress has stymied it. We expected that from Mitch McConnell in the Senate. McConnell has no idea what his job as a Senator is. This comic book character actually believes that he was elected to keep Barak Obama from getting a second term and once he failed at that he had nothing to do but iron the prune marks out of his face. But many of us expected more from Ryan. It turns out we were wrong. It turns out that being a failed vice-Presidential candidate was the functional pinnacle of his career. Now he sits back, makes excuses for Trump, plays the party game and fails to accomplish anything.


The Brexit crisis seems to have unified all the dumb people on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. I just watched some fat clown in front of a pub in England declaiming “Kick ‘em out, Kick ‘em all out, ” in reference to the members of Parliament. Maybe this idiot should ask himself how they all got in. The answer of course, is he voted for them! That’s just as true here. Trump voters are all calling for a new government but they are the ones who voted the old government into office. The Democrats certainly didn’t vote majorities in the House and Senate to the GOP.

But these people are too stupid to walk and chew gun. They earned their place at the bottom of the economic ladder by making stupid decisions all their lives and then whining about the results they caused.

They whine they want someone who is like them. Trump? Yes, he’s fat like them. Yes, he’s thoughtless like them but he is the result of spoiled wealth, an egomaniac, that has shown, by his previous business tactics, that he is for himself and no one else. These voters want better jobs and better wages. Trump has already said that he is not for increasing the minimum wage but do they listen? No!

Trump finished business deals by screwing his partners and those that work for him. His fans already have employers that act like that. Do they need to add Trump to their worries? But still they want to vote for him. Maybe it’s because he’s brash, maybe it’s because he’s outspoken and foul mouthed. Maybe it’s because he is as uninformed as they are and makes them feel secure.

They have been shown that he’s a liar, a fraud, a con man and a rich bully who loves to push others around as long as he thinks he is stronger then them. Do they hate him for that? No! They seem to love him for it. Maybe it’s because they are liars, bullies, punks and losers and he is all they can relate to. We know they are racist when they cheer his racist remarks and programs. We know they are stupid when we see them backing the same kind of man who caused them the problems they now have.

I watched a fat blonde woman in a group of Trump backers talking about how they had been lied to for so long. She was completely unaware that on every fact checklist, Trump has lied almost 60% of the time. SIXTY PERCENT! You can’t even comfortably believe that his name is Trump. But of course it isn’t. It’s really Drumph.


Donald Trump gave a speech last night and this morning all the suck-ups on Morning Joe were applauding the fact that he can actually speak for fifteen minutes without uttering a racial slur or telling at least one lie per sentence. The only one who actually seemed to recognize how low the bar has become for Trump was Donny Deutsch who pointed out that what Trump actually said and the style in which he delivered it were only acceptable for a fifth grader.

Scarborough just couldn’t be even-handed now that the guy to whom he gave millions of dollars of free airtime and who turned out to be a petty Nazi and bigot had shown he was able to walk and chew gum. He lauded Trump and named his weaknesses and Hillary’s to be equal. On what planet?

Trump’s weakness is that he is a failed charlatan, a thief and a cheater who scammed people with Trump University and any number of phony deals, who finished jobs by not paying his contractors, knowing that they would settle for less because it was cheaper than suing him and who has his tacky line of clothes made by foreign workers in foreign factories.

Hillary’s mortal sin seems to be the Clinton Foundation, which has certainly accepted huge amounts of funds from many countries, some not friendly to the USA. It has also accepted huge speaking fees for speeches done by Hillary and President Clinton and has used that money to eradicate or seriously restrict AIDS, yellow fever, Malaria and any number of other diseases around the world, while working to prevent poverty in many third world countries. The Foundation has done nothing but good with the enormous amounts of money it raises for charitable causes. These faults may seem equal to Joe Scarborough but I really think he will have a big problem making his case to any intelligent viewer.

Trump talks about creating jobs, while he is sending jobs to the sweatshops that make his cheesy fashions in the Third World. He doesn’t want to mention his opposition to a higher minimum wage in this country or the fact that his favorite business tactic is to just not come up with the last paycheck on jobs he is doing.

Trump doesn’t mention he has been involved in three thousand five hundred lawsuits in the approximately fifty years he has been in business. For those of you who can’t do the math, that comes to about once every other calendar day. Where does he find the time?