Election Views #11

Mitch McConnell proved today on national TV why he is nothing but a dead fish. This is a clown who spent the last eight years trying to foil Barak Obama, even as Obama beat his brains out in two Presidential elections. This is the loser who after Obama won the first election, told the world that his chief job for the next four years was not t be a senator, the job for which he was being paid, but to keep Obama from getting a second term. He failed at both jobs. Now, he is confronted by Trump, a GOP candidate that he loathes; but because he is a Republican candidate, McConnell will vote for him. McConnell cares nothing for whether Trump will be good or bad for his country. McConnell cares only that he is a Republican. McConnell has no morals, no intellectual integrity. No balls.

Trump came out with one of the most blatantly racist statements any candidate for anything except leader of the Klan has made in recent memory when he attacked the judge who is hearing his fraud case on Trump University. He accused this judge of not being fair because he is of Mexican descent. Trump is of German descent. Does that automatically make him an anti-Semite? It shouldn’t but in his case, who knows? McConnell still doesn’t have the balls or the integrity to name the statement racist. What good is this prune-faced lout to anyone?

McConnell wrote in his memoir that he didn’t have an easy time working with Obama. Really? You mean after you said you had only one job, Mitch, and that was to make him a one-term president? You are actually surprised to find that Obama has become hard to work with?

And now McConnell’s running the Senate. If there was only one reason to win back the Senate this year, if would be worth it to get rid of Mitch McConnell.


Bob Corker chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, another Republican hack, was asked the same question about Trump’s racism and begged off just like McConnell. These are people who are unquestionably willing to vote for party over country.

When asked to make a case for Trump as presidential material, Corker stumbled all around the subject and came up with what every Trump supporter has come up with. Zip!

Corker tells us that Trump is talking to all the right people. That may be, but he hasn’t learned anything from them or changed one bit from the lying, thin-skinned, grossly unstable, crackpot that he shows himself to be. He still wants to get rid of all Mexicans, Muslims and anyone else who isn’t white and a fascist.

When asked about Trump’s Wall, Corker tries to beg off because, he states, he thought that the interview was going to be about foreign policy. So, when it’s pointed out to this empty barrel that Mexico is a foreign country and that the question was therefore about foreign policy, he is at a loss for words, mainly because he is, as always, at a loss for thoughts. This lout is completely brain dead and is definitely another reason to take the Senate back from the GOP and get him and McConnell and all these dumb as dirt Republicans out of their positions of power.

Corker actually said that electing Trump would bring maturity back into our foreign policy. Maturity? From a four-year old temperament and sensibility in a four hundred pound body? Not on your life.


Gary Johnson’s Libertarian candidacy seems like a joke but he really has opinions and they aren’t all nuts. He is a glib speaker and puts forth good reasons for his opinions and platforms. You can’t agree with everything he says but he, at least, has reasons for saying them, which is a hell of a lot more than you could say for any of the Republican candidates, especially Trump.


Elizabeth Warren got her teeth into Trump at the ACS convention and ripped him a new one. She started out proclaiming that Trump should be ashamed of himself for the way he has attacked a hero federal judge but Trump has no shame. All he as is ego and hubris.

Of course he couldn’t take this without striking back so he strode out onto a stage at a Florida rally, posed in front of his bevy of reconstructed Playboy wannabes in a tableaux called the Bigot and the Bunny’s and babbled something about Pocahontas. He’s so glib.

At that rally, he drew about 2,000 people in a venue that seated 12,000. A couple of months ago he would have filled that arena but no matter how dumb they seem to the outside world, even the Trump supporters are starting to catch on. There is only so much animalistic behavior that even the most disenfranchised voter can take in the man he wants to represent his country and Trump has already used up twice the bad manners he is entitled to.

Who is Trump going to go with as his Veep? He needs someone who has a background in Washington politics and right now Newt Gingrich seems to be his popular choice. Of course the choices have been whittled down because many do not want to appear on the same platform as a racist and a bully. The Newtish one, however, has proven that he will go anywhere with anyone as long as there’s a paycheck involved. Unfortunately for the Trump forces, Gingrich has proven to be practically unelectable in the last decade. Sounds like a perfect match. The question has been asked; why would Newt even want to be Trump’s Veep? The answer, as already stated, is quite simple. Newt is such a whore, he’d run for Veep of North Korea if he could stuff a couple of yen in his pockets.


The Republican Party is in such upheaval over the Trump candidacy, that conspiracy theorists are emerging from the woodwork. Many finally realize that they haven’t been looking at this nutcase in the correct light. I watched some pol from Hackensack start trying to explain how The Donald isn’t a true conservative. Really? For God’s sake, Trump isn’t even a fake conservative. Look at his background. For decades he backed liberal candidates, not conservative ones. So how did he suddenly morph into a Conservative? Anyone who has paid even moderate attention to Orange Gordo, knows that he, very definitely belongs only to the Trumpist Party.

Trump gives rants filled with character assassination but is very careful not to talk about issues because he recognizes no issues other than how to get whatever he wants. He cares nothing for wages, ISIS, Social Security or even the Wall. All he cares about is how he can benefit by their mention. This has led many conservative pundits to finally understand that the current scenario is one in which the Left has slipped a giant stink bomb into the heart of the Republican process. Their concept is that Trump is a Trojan horse which the Democrats have rolled into the GOP camp and that he is tearing apart their party while the Democrats sit back and laugh their asses off.

When President Obama was asked about the GOPs presumptive nominee, he cracked wise that the Democrats were enthused about the GOP choice of Trump. They should be. And maybe it’s not an accident.


Mitch McConnell again, speaking about discussions he has had lately with Donald Trump on foreign policy, stated that Trump is showing some interest in learning the intricacies of that subject. Really? The Donald is showing some interest? Now, when he is about to enter the Presidential election finals with a woman who knows more about foreign policy than anyone else in politics. Who is voting for this guy? Who votes for a clown that knows nothing about foreign policy to be President?

Of course Trump knows nothing about a lot of things that he should be very familiar with, in order to run for President, but that doesn’t bother him What does bother him is anyone not acknowledging that he is brilliant, handsome, forceful and a true leader. Yes, he does have serious problems and no mirror in the house is one of them. He is an egomaniac, a liar, a bully and a fascist but what politician ever let such mundane negatives affect their need to hold office. Certainly not a man who surrounds himself with yes-men just to make sure that no one ever disagrees with him. Surely not a man who makes up policy as he goes along, never considering alternatives or problems that might be exacerbated by his shoot from the lip stupidity.