Election Views #8


Despite what the party establishment says, the Republican race seems to be all but over. Trump stands with a firm 35-40%, seemingly no matter where he goes or what happens, and the rest divide up the remaining two thirds of the vote. It should be obvious to the non-Trumps that if this continues, he will walk away with the election. But the GOP doesn’t seem to be able to grasp that fact. They are panicking too late and seem unable to deal with the problem even after Ben Carson faded into the ozone.

Whether by accident or design Trump and his people have implemented the oldest battle plan known to man; divide and conquer, and it’s working to perfection. When it’s pointed out to the various candidates that no one can win until they eliminate some of the bodies, they all agree, but no one quits. Add Trump and you have nothing but a bunch of egos that walk like men.

They all brag about coming in second, or plan to come in second in this state or that, but none of them actually expect to win any of the states available. How is it possible to run for the office of President of the United States and expect to win by coming in second? Even in Texas, his home state, Cruz didn’t predict victory. It must be a generational thing. It’s all that “everyone gets a prize,” crap that they were raised on. None of them knows the actual joy of winning, because contrary to the popular psychobabble that they were raised on; when everyone wins no one wins.

But they all keep plugging, understanding that there is not one single state that they can be assured of winning, still they are determined to come in second. Yes, Cruz has now won three, including Texas. There is nothing more on the horizon for him. Simply by being satisfied to come in second they have destroyed any possibility of being considered presidential material.

For a while Cruz and Rubio spent a great deal of time attacking each other but only Cruz had leveled any attacks on Trump until this past weekend when Rubio jumped the shark and started talking about the size of Trump’s dick. He probably figured that if you don’t attack the guy you have to beat to win, you might as well go home put your feet up on the coffee table, turn on the tube and have a beer because you just ain’t gonna be around for the real race against the Democrats.

So, Rubio jumped in full force. Unfortunately Rubio really doesn’t know how to conduct this kind of campaign. He looks like the little kid who swings wildly while the big kid, Trump, keeps him at a distance by holding a hand on his head. I hate to have to be the one to bring this monumental news to Marco but nobod gives a rat’s ass about the size of Trump’s dick except maybe Melania and she’s probably more into the size of his wallet.

Yes, politics has always been dirty and over the years many candidates got down in the mud, but this years Republican crop seems to this old timer to be particularly non-Presidential. One can see Hillary or even Bernie and possibly Kasich as leader of the nation, but the rest of them are the most pathetic accumulation of losers, standing in one place, since David Duke called his last Klan rally or that clown Bundy let his herd of asses out of the barn.

While all these senseless attacks are going on, the Republicans wonder and whine about why Donald Trump is kicking the living shit out of their establishment candidates. Well, they don’t have to look too far for the answer. Mitch McConnell is braying it loud and clear for anyone to hear. McConnell and the rest of the GOP congressional leadership are enforcing a policy of do-nothingism that has driven between 35 & 40% of their voters to back a disease like Trump. Once more the GOP is acting as a plug in the drain of the congressional toilets; leading congress, as it has for the past seven years, to do nothing.

I watched the perfect Republican, Cory Gardiner of Colorado,! as he argued against closing Guantanamo and for blocking any Presidential nominee to the Supreme Court. I say he’s the perfect Republican because he’s dumb as a post and proud of his stupidity!

Gardiner’s reasoning for not moving the inmates from the prison at Guantanamo to Colorado is, the people of that state don’t want all those terrorists living among them. First of all, no one from Guantanamo is going to be living among any Coloradans, except maybe the cockroaches in their solitary cells. More important; Colorado, the state with the most prisons and one of the smallest populations in the country, has solved its employment problem by staffing prisons. They should stop bitching about what has kept them in beer and cigarettes for longer than any of us can remember. But Gardiner is too stupid to understand this or appreciate how beneficent the Federal Government has been in sending all its felons and a lot of its money to a state where nothing else exists.

Gardiner, like most of the GOP just doesn’t have the grey matter to understand that a nominee from Obama is going to be a lot better for them then anyone they get when Hillary gets into the White House.

Obama is smart enough to understand that if he wants to get a nominee onto the court, it will have to be one that is pretty moderate or even a little conservative. Once Hillary beats the brains out of whatever lump of dog meat the GOP puts up and takes enough seats in the Senate to give the leadership back to the Democrats, any nominee will be more than a little to the left of Fidel Castro.




Morning Joe asked the perfect question today amid an argument on why Trumps voters didn’t care about what he says or what he does. Joe asked why stuff doesn’t stick to Trump, when everything seems to stick to Hillary? The answer is simple Joe. It’s because guys like you spend half their time accusing Hillary of stuff that we all know isn’t important, while you give the other half of your time to Trump to bloviate about how weak and stupid everyone else is.

Scarborough did a number the other day about how all the media is attacking Trump. His example of all the media was stories in three newspapers. In this, he was obviously missing the point. Trumps followers do not read. If you want to make a point to Trump’s followers it has to be on spoken or visual media, not someplace they actually have to look at written words and make sense of them. If people like Scarborough hadn’t been so busy sucking up to Trump and giving him free airtime; if they had bothered to question him about his outrageous statements; if they had demanded that he show them some kind of plan and not just rhetoric; if they had worried as much about truth as they do about selling soap and had given the other candidates even half the time they devoted to Trump, maybe, just maybe someone would be in a position now to really functionally challenge him.

Trump’s message is so negative I wonder what country he has been living in. How did he become a billionaire in such a non-functional place? I guess starting out with a multi-million handout from your old man doesn’t hurt. Using his connections in the industry probably did him some good too. It always helps to know who to bribe and who not to bribe.

Romney got into the battle yesterday. He made a lot of noise but didn’t seem to make much progress, unless you consider his research into what is wrong with Trump, which was pretty good. Did Romney do any good? Who knows? The establishment loved him. Trump mocked him and then went on a tasteless tirade about Mitt trying to get Trump to back him in the last election. It really didn’t look like it changed anything.

Then last night the GOP had another debate. Why? It was the same as the previous debates except maybe Kasich got a little traction by being the only adult on the stage. The rest of them fought, once again, like children. Trump established one absolute fact. He has no manners or sense of decorum. His mother obviously never pointed out to the spoiled little prince, interrupting people is rude and unacceptable behavior. Trump has no filter. As soon as anyone says anything that he disagrees with he explodes, trying to shout over whoever is speaking and continuing his assault at top volume until the moderators, who in this case lost complete control, cut to commercial.

A spoiled childhood and an adulthood surrounded by “yes men” has left Trump with the thinnest of skins and none of the emotional control necessary to adjust for it. The inarguable conclusion has to be, even if Trump has all the answers, his childish case of ADD absolutely makes him ineligible to be President of this or any other nation.