Adolph Trump

The Republican Party’s leading candidate for President of the United States is currently an admitted briber, a birther, a bully and a bigot who espouses the policies of Adolph Hitler while preaching patriotism, even as he acts out a scenario of yellow bellied cowardice in respect to our traditions of welcoming immigrants to these shores.

Trump, along with many of his fellow GOP candidates like Rubio and Carson, and a significant group of disaffected voters who bear a striking resemblance to Nazi Party members in pre-WWII Germany, is aiming his plan of operation at attacks on anyone who is not us. Just as the early Nazis, these pathetic, mostly Republican, losers, hate everyone but themselves, ascribe all their ills to foreigners and have chosen a bloviating loudmouth as their leader.

When asked about his plan to register Muslims in this country Trump attacks the reporters, tries to change the subject and blows steam out of both ears. This does not hide the fact that he still thinks, like a cold war East German, that a wall is the solution to human problems. Maybe he should build it around JFK airport since that is where the threats are actually coming from. Refugees, whether from Mexico or Syria are not the problem but that is too deep a concept for Trump to process.

The question becomes, has the dysfunction of our government, the inability of Right and Left to come together in the interests of making the nation work better, become so impossible that a man who fits perfectly into the image of a petty dictator, seems a viable choice to a significant segment of the voting public. Are the voters so fed up with incompetence that they will elect this stumbling block to the maturity of the human race?

Probably not, mainly because when we look a his backing we see that he is supported by about 25% of the GOP voting block which is about 40% of the entire voting public. That means that his backing is actually about 10% of the total voting public, not a viable piece of the pie.

It’s obvious that he has a following and it is just as obvious that they are as blatantly gross as he is, especially in that no matter what horrendous stance he takes, he cannot shake them from their rock hard faith in his ability to get something done in a country that they see as unable to function. That point of view is understandable, but the solution to non-functionality, is not to inject a self-serving fraud into the mix.

Much like Adolph Hitler, Trump has settled on a few strident slogans that make it easy for his slow-witted followers to keep up. “Make America Great Again,” is the most fraudulent, while his attacks on immigrants and refugees show him to be a misogynistic bigot who is looking desperately to appeal to other misogynistic bigots.

His approach to the elections is in many ways the same s that of the other GOP candidates, all of them clueless as to the concept of policy. None, but especially Trump have shown any ability to tell us how they would implement their usually obscene plans for the country, should they by some catastrophic calamity win the Presidency. Management is not a plan, it’s a tool, but Trump doesn’t seem to understand this, or maybe he does and his use of the wrong answer to questions about how he is going to make his promises come true, is simply to cover the fact that he has no answer.

It’s interesting that Trump has almost no following in NYC, the city from which he comes. He mocks Bush and Rubio because he is beating both in Florida, but he trails everyone in NYC. In this case it’s a question of familiarity truly breeding contempt. It is almost a foregone conclusion that if the election process goes on long enough the other sections of the country will also catch on to his fascist bloviating and abandon him.

But despite all his faults, our media cannot seem to get enough of him. He has had a certain amount of success in two areas where manners and truth have no place, real estate development and TV. He has been successful in the building business in NYC by being a cheat and a bully and on TV by being a buffoon and a bully. The people who were dumb enough to vote for the members of the current congress are so mad at themselves that they are willing to double down on their dumb voting records by featuring Trump, a man who lies with impunity and who will say anything about anything regardless of whether it contradicts things he has said an hour before.

Trump mocks our current leaders as being too stupid to deal with the Chinese and Japanese. That just shows how uninformed he really is. Whose economy would you rather have right now? China still has a very high growth-rate but suddenly it is crumbling because of the nature of its economic and political structure. Their 7% growth, which would be great for most other countries just isn’t enough to move their badly structured economic model ahead and unless they come up with a significant adjustment they are sliding toward oblivion.

Japan, which was once a thriving economy, leading the world in the 1980s, has since fallen on hard times and they would love to have our growth rate. It’s unfortunate that Trump isn’t aware of these facts but that doesn’t matter to him. Facts never bother blowhards like Trump. They are interested only in what they have to say. Neither facts nor truth ever get in the way of what they are trumpeting to the true believers.

I don’t know if you’ve noticed but Trump has gotten religion lately. He did a number on how much he loves the bible and how he is an adamant reader of it, saying ridiculous stuff like he reads it all the time but when questioned about identifying some biblical quotes he is stuck, Even when asked whether he prefers the old or new testament he draws a blank. The reality, as nailed, by of all people, the slimy Bobby Jindal, is that he would never read the bible because he isn’t mentioned in it.

Trump keeps telling his audiences that Latinos love him. Yeah, right. Then how come all the polls show him with 70% negative ratings among Latinos? Sure they love him. They’d love to see him boiled in oil, flushed down the toilet or run over by a road grader. But that’s Trump. He lives in his own reality, separate from the rest of us and from anything factual. He has lived so long among a circle of ass kissing yes men that he has no idea what reality actually is like.

What’s interesting is that he can’t answer direct questions that don’t relate to him. All one has to do is ask him a question, the answers to which, any presidential candidate should have on the tip of his tongue but that do not involve him and watch him flounder. Trump blusters a lot about what he’s going to do and to whom, but anyone with even a hint of intelligence sees that he is just blowing steam. He has no idea of how to do anything he claims that he will do and he proves it every time he is asked a direct question. The two issues with which he has tried to deal, immigration and taxation have come out as hilarious answers.

Part of the reason he has become the inamorata of his dim-witted base is that they haven’t the intelligence to ascertain what a phony bully he really is.

“What are you going to do about creating jobs, Mr. Trump?”

“I’m going to create full employment. My company creates thousand of jobs, many of them filled by Hispanic workers and women. Everyone knows that I’m a job creator, that’s how I made 10 billion dollars. I will create jobs because I am smarter than the stupid lazy slobs who run our government now. I’ll create thousands of jobs building a wall along our borders and I’ll do it with Mexico’s money.” (An accumulation of many quotes)

And his base goes wild. Of course he hasn’t answered the question, nor has he said how he will achieve any of the ludicrous things he brags he will do, but all his base hears is “job creator” and “I’ll make Mexico pay for it.” Trump doesn’t answer questions directly and  truthfully, he answers them loudly and forcefully. There is a difference. You want to hear directly and truthfully listen to Bernie Sanders.

Recently, at a rally in Alabama, Trump was joined by world- class bigot Jeff Sessions in attacking Mexican immigrants, while backing a deportation idea that is probably the most immoral and impractical, ever put before the American people. The thought occurs, that despite his appeal to the evangelists and the Christian right, Trump is really the anti-Christ. This is a man running for president and doing it on a platform of immorality, cheating and bribery. Not only is he living a life that exemplifies all these negatives, he really has no plan to do anything else as president.

Despite his lack of any kind of plan to achieve his stated goals, he continues to sell the idea that if you elect him, he will get it done. Okay Donald, how will you get it done? Are you going to bribe Russia, I ask this question because it’s the principal way in which he has succeeded in business. He openly admits that he gives money to everyone so that they will all owe him favors.

Watch a video of Trump screaming epithets before a crowd of his fanatic followers and then look at one of Adolph Hitler speaking in front of the Reichstag. Turn down the sound so the difference in language doesn’t distract you and you will see the same man in two different bodies, speaking to the same audience of losers, selling the same message of hate. Is this the kind of president we want?