Bits & Pieces #59

Mitch McConnell, our useless Senate Majority Leader, the same pond scum who spent the last six years on the government payroll trying to keep Barak Obama from getting re-elected and failing, has now shown the reason for his hapless crusade.

He can’t do anything else. He is an incompetent, wrong-headed idiot who has no concept of what is good for the American people or even that small section of the people in his state, who elected him.

The country has been screaming for a desperately needed highway bill that will require about $80 billion for three or four years of operation. McConnell has promised to introduce this bill but in his version, instead of funding the bill with increased gas taxes or taxes on corporations and the rich, this hideous imbecile plans to fund the bill with monies taken from retirees and the disabled.

New York Senator Chuck Schumer points the accusing finger at McConnell, the butt boy of the rich, pointing out that McConnell also wants to use cuts in Social Security and Disability Insurance to help the funding.

What sickness is in the mind of a despicable degenerate like McConnell that allows him to look at that ugly, evil face in the mirror and not want to throw up? This is a man who would rather steal from the old and disabled than pull tax money from those who will use the highways or who can most afford it. And what are the Republicans in the Senate like, that they would choose this human stain to lead them? Decisions like this are what have led to revolution throughout history. Maybe it’s time to think about that. McConnell’s head would look great on a stick.


Hank Johnson, (D ) Georgia may not be the dumbest guy in congress but you better hope he is, because this guy, if he’s not stoned, is somewhere around peat moss on the intelligence scale. Watched him questioning some admiral, who miraculously managed to keep a straight face as this idiot asked him if the addition of refugees would make the Island of Guam tip over. Yeah, that’s right. This guy, who actually got elected to office, and during the questioning, looked very much as if he were nodding out, and anyone who has ever known a heroin junkie knows exactly what I’m talking about, actually asked this admiral if the island would tip over. That is a miraculous level of stupidity, one that should be preserved in a lab.

Now that guy may really sound stupid, and he is but I just watched a video sent to me by a friend of a couple of miles long line of sewage trucks, each holding a load of ten thousand gallons. What are they doing? They are waiting to load up at the new skyscrapers recently constructed in Dubai, a brand new, glittering city, built to dazzle the eye and bring the West to the Middle East.

Why all the sewage trucks? Well, the architects who designed all these magnificent buildings forgot to put a sewage system under them. You can’t make this shit up. The Arabs have built an incredible city and installed no system for their waste removal. Maybe this is why many say the Arabs are not ready for the modern world. Maybe the architects thought that the people inhabiting these enormous edifices would just go out back, dig a hole in the sand the way they do in back of their tents, and simply crap into it. This ladies and gentlemen is why the Middle East is still not ready to progress to the fourteenth century.


The Turks seem to be finally coming around with some involvement in the ISIS problem. They are closing their border, mainly because ISIS was dumb enough to bomb a Turkish city near said border. Now Russia and Saudi Arabia appear to be joining the action in some respect, but here at home the Republicans are still bitching about the President’s pass on dropping a nuke on ISIS a couple of years ago.

Those who can still think, realize that the President’s seeming lack of policy on how to deal with ISIS came from the White House’s position that they were not an immediate threat to this country. The only immediate threat was to the nations of the Middle East, none of which seemed willing to join the fight and keep themselves from being overrun.

We have given the Saudi’s billions in weaponry but they have so far refused to use any that armament to protect their own country from ISIS. They only seem anxious to use it to attack rebel Shiite forces in Yemen. So why should Obama have risked even one American life for anything in the Middle East?


Brett Stephens of the Wall Street Journal, former chief of the Jerusalem Post, who once anointed the warmonger Paul Wolfowitz as the Jewish Man of the Year was at his warmongering best the other day, declaring that the congressional vote on the Iran Nuclear treaty was just like the vote on whether or not we should have gone to war with Iraq.

The only problem with that analogy is that Stephens got it backwards. The vote on Iraq was wrong because they voted for war when they should have voted for peace. This time the vote is whether or not we should want peace for a specific amount of time when Stephens and his ilk want war. It’s obvious from his comments that Stephens doesn’t know the difference between war and peace. Stephens was a rabid provocateur of the Iraq war. History has proved he was dead wrong then just as he is now. He is so rabid to kill someone that he sees no other path to any end. Maybe he should just be placed on a battlefield, given a gun and left to fend for himself.

What Stephens and his neo-con cohorts don’t seem to see or if they do, to admit, is that if the treaty is rejected by congress, Iran will be free to build a bomb as fast as they can – if they wish. If we screw this treaty up, after all that has gone into it, the rest of the world will abandon us just like they abandoned Bush/Cheney because of their stupidity and warlike behavior. The sanctions will be gone and there will no longer be any kind of option. The only possibility will be war. Is that what Israel really wants? Is that what Brett Stephens and his idiot associates really want? Maybe Stephens does, but I still have enough faith in there being enough intelligence in Israel that they don’t want war.


Tom Cotton was on the tube again, proving how dumb the voters in his district were to elect him. His problem seems to be that he doesn’t understand that this Treaty with Iran will keep them from developing a bomb for a specific amount of time. He thinks that it makes it easier than no treaty. It’s a shame that Cotton hasn’t learned anything about logic, or much else.

On another tack, he keeps repeating how the Iranians tried to kill him and his men but he never mentions where this was. Was he fighting in Iran on some unknown mission or was he fighting in Iraq or Afghanistan where we never should have been?

There is no argument against Iran, Turkey and Israel being the three major civilized countries in the Middle East. They are the only hope of the region ever escaping medieval religious fanatical rule. Iran still has the furthest to go but their young educated population gives it the most hope. Nations like Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Yemen and the rest will be stuck in the tribal, feudal sand for centuries to come.


Secretary of State, John Kerry recently appeared before a House Committee investigating the deal with Iran. One of his chief opponents there was New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez who is currently under indictment for taking gifts and bribes for favors. Interestingly enough, it has been revealed that Menendez’s defense is being funded by AIPAC, a large and wealthy America Jewish group that strongly backs Israel.

What interest could a Jewish group backing Israel possibly have in a Hispanic Senator from New Jersey, who has been indicted on bribery charges? Do you think, maybe it’s because he is the most outspoken Democrat against this treaty that Israel has battled so strongly against.

One would think that after being indicted on charges of taking money and gifts from one source, Menendez would be reticent about accepting money to defend that charge, from a group that wants him to go against his own President in a conflict with a foreign country. This doesn’t seem to bother Menendez who appears to be the kind of guy who is always reaching out with both hands. It’s too bad that he is willing to sell the interests of his own country down the river for thirty pieces of silver.

Maybe if they don’t get him on the first charges, someone in our justice department will be bright enough to nail him on a conspiracy charge for selling his vote to Israel.


The mind of the Right is truly amazing but altogether revealing. Just finished reading a blog from an outfit that calls itself, 1776 Coalition, in which it attacks Hillary for proposing a tuition plan for kids that will make college affordable. Yeah, that’s right, getting kids educated is certainly something we should be attacking.

So the concept is that Hillary is bribing young people to vote for her and then she’ll give them free tuition to go to college. The key word here is “bribe” and its use is indicative of the way the Right thinks. Just because they approach every problem from the POV of who can I bribe to get what I want, they think everybody else does.

In fact Hillary’s plan involves community work on the part of the potential students and yes, it requires those who can afford it to carry the financial load, but that just makes it functional, something that the Right has no familiarity with.

If you like an occasional laugh, don’t mind reading about downright imbecilic concepts and have a lot of patience for dumb ideas; I suggest a brief glance at 1776 Coalition. It will help you understand what you are voting against.


It defies credulity that Jeb Bush, in an attempt to vilify Hillary Clinton, would bring up the mess in Iraq, in his latest stump speech. It is incontrovertible that his brother George is responsible for dragging this nation into the war in Iraq and then made things worse by signing the Status of Forces agreement that set us up to leave Iraq undefended and in the midst of a political catastrophe. None of this is arguable, so why would Jeb even bring it up? This is the specific stuff he should be burying as a Bush. Any problems that come out of Iraq are the direct result of his brother’s stupidity and malfeasance. If I were Jeb Bush I would want to make believe that Iraq and my brother George, never existed. Instead he is trying to push the big lie and blame the mess with ISIS on Obama and Hillary. ISIS exists because of Bush/Cheney. Case closed. It’s a losing cause… big time.