Election Views #3


Jeb Bush made a fairly cogent statement about lost work hours and America’s desire to work hard and make more money the other day but his phrasing left said statement open to a couple of very different interpretations. Hillary interpreted it in the worst possible way, which she should have been intelligent enough not to do. This caused a frenzied reaction from the Right, something that Hillary shouldn’t have gotten involved in. This type of cheap chipping is something that is more in line with the GOP strategy and should be beneath Hillary. We all know it’s difficult to ignore the genetic difficulty the Bush family has for making itself understood, but Hillary should stick to important issues.

What she should have pointed out was that it was greedy employers reducing worker’s hours below forty a week just so they can get away with not paying for healthcare that was the cause of lost hours.

Bush, whose brother was responsible for crashing the entire economy and whose father pushed trickle down economics, a disaster of a theory, that has helped to destroy the middle class, has no business even getting near this subject, not if he wants to get elected. It’s definitely not a Bush family strongpoint

The mistake that the framers of the ACA made was in trying to help small businesses deal with the extra expense of paying for healthcare by allowing them to not pay healthcare for part-time workers. So what happened? The greedy bastards started cutting fulltime workers hours to get under the minimum. The ACA didn’t lose those hours for workers, greedy management did; management that wasn’t satisfied with making millions, management that wanted to make billions on the backs of its workers. That’s not government’s fault, it’s the corporation’s fault and no amount of Right Wing bullshit will change that.

Mark Halperin on Morning Joe, jumped in apologizing for Bush and claimed Hillary would now jump in and attack his comments and that will be the wrong thing to do because we should be dealing with real issues, not small flubs.

What Mark is too Republican to understand is that ever since Bill Clinton got elected, this kind of tactic has been the working plan for the GOP They have never had a governing plan, other than gerrymandering, so they have continually brought up insignificant issues like contraception, abortion, school-prayer, Benghazi and e-mails, to avoid the real issues like infrastructure, jobs, education and the environment. That has been the Republican game plan sine the early 90’s and Halperin is worried about Hillary co-opting it now. What a joke.

Nichole Wallace a former Bush employee felt obligated to throw in her two cents. She dared Hillary to debate Bush on whether the ACA had caused the loss of jobs, not realizing that the other side of the debate is about all the greedy corporations that are cheating their workers just to make bigger profits and that, that issue will suit Hillary perfectly.


Carly Fiorina was on the tube again, double-talking her way through some pretty soft questions. It’s hard to understand whether she thinks people are too dumb to be spoken to straight or if she’s so incompetent that she can’t address simple thoughts. She keeps attacking crony capitalism. This is a strange enemy for her to pick since she is a product of crony capitalism. She was never an entrepreneur, never someone who went out into the marketplace with any business model. She is a corporate clone who ascended the corporate ladder through guile or whatever, to a point where she ran a major company into the ground and got fired. Those are her qualifications for being president. It’s a pretty low bar, even for a Republican.

She spent the interview lying about the contents of the Treaty with Iran, which she hadn’t read yet, lying about her qualifications to deal with income inequality, when she has always been on the side of the crony capitalists she attacks, and using her failures as examples of why she is qualified to be President. This one is a serious loser.


Mario Rubio, speaking to his most ignorant proclivities, has stated that he will continue his fight against gay marriage. He will support legally defending those who, because of their religious scruples, will not accept gay marriage and he will defend religious freedom. This is another guy who seems to be worried about us forcing straights into gay marriage. Where the hell did this concept come from? All the gay community wants is to be left along to do their thing. If the religious types could see the logic in that position maybe they would stop trying to force everyone else into living the lie that they do.

It’s none of Marc Rubio’s business if Harry and John get married, just as it’s none of Harry and John’s business if Marco wants to kneel in a church and pray to an entity, of whose actual existence there is no real, hard, factual evidence.

One would think that one moronic stance a week was enough even for Rubio but he doesn’t seem to be able to leave it at that. In a discussion of the Cro-Magnon, Donald Trump and his classless behavior, Rubio attacked the Obama’s as also being classless. I have no idea what makes Rubio think he is in a position to judge people’s class especially coming from a party that gave up any thought of being classy when they decided that instead of becoming the loyal opposition to presidents who beat their brains out in elections, they would become the traitorous scumbags who would abandon the needs of their country just to oppose anything good that the elected president wanted to achieve. Their position of opposition based on their losing elections is about as classless as can be achieved. No wonder Rubio is sliding down in he polls, even the Right is discovering what a loser he is.


The Washington Post has decided to limit its coverage of Donald Trump to serious political issues, avoiding coverage of his speech making vitriol and destructive private comments. Joe Scarborough of Morning Joe, thinks he knows better, making an illogical argument against that stance. Joe thinks that Trump gets all the coverage he does because he is in first place in the race. Of course Joe doesn’t take into account that Trump got to the top of the polls because of the publicity he is getting from the media, coverage based on his ability to act like a clownish buffoon for his audience.

If Trump acted like someone that we would like to have as president, he would be down with Chris Christie, who while aggressive, has learned how to act, at least, semi-civilized in public. Trump’s actions more resemble a mad dog than a president. In his desperate attempt to appear real, he has become a parody of Dr. Strangelove’s, Jack D. Ripper or General Buck Turgidson. Trump is a not so boring lout, who would be better served at his main occupations, making a fool of himself on TV, clogging up the streets of Manhattan with his tasteless projects and filing for bankruptcy to avoid legal debts that he owes to those who work for him.

rump is a sight gag, imposed on the public by a media so bereft of diligence and intelligence that it jumps at the easiest news story instead of that which is most important.


Governor John Kasich announced his candidacy yesterday in Ohio. This is a man who is probably the most qualified of all the Republican candidates to actually run the country. He has rebuilt a major state financially and functionally since taking office, and yet his announcement got one one-hundredth the airtime that Trump’s latest ape imitation did. Then the media led by non-thinkers like Morning Joe, tells us that they have to cover him because he is leading in the polls. Bullshit!


Then we have creepy Ted Cruz in a video with a couple of Granny types from somewhere in rural America. This Joe Palooka mom and pop pair are right out of a Norman Rockwell, Saturday Evening Post cover. Except this sweet old couple are bigots who make a living in the church business. Not the religion business, the church business. It seems that they own a church, which they rent out for weddings and of course they also have a flower business that caters to the wedding parties. Because they are not open to all humanity, they have gotten caught in a gay wedding fiasco. Since this church has no visible religious connection, one wonders what, other than bigotry, their objection is, to a gay wedding. Of course, they were shocked when they were accused of being bigots. How they wonder did that happen? They haven’t got a bigoted bone in their bodies. They just hate gays.

Now because they won’t rent the building to gays they are being forced to shut down. Cruz, in interviewing these bigots, makes the statement that this country was founded by people who risked everything for religious beliefs. This is, of course, a lie. This country was founded by men who risked everything to escape religious persecution, and who then did everything they could, to make the country free from religious oppression.

Cruz overdramatizes the whole thing but blunders into satire when he humbly thanks these bigots, for taking their stand and for telling their story. The man is a sleaze, who is conning these two naïve bigots. He is holding them up to universal scorn to make an invalid political point. Cruz is the lowest scum in the pond.