Politics, Ignorance & Trust



The issue of trust has been raised many times in conjunction with e-mail gate. Do you trust Hillary to edit her own e-mails? No, not unless you’re a naïve moron but, actually it doesn’t matter whether you trust her or not. The government policy – for everyone – is that – each person decides what is business and what is personal on their server. If the Republicans don’t like that, they should change it, after all they are in the majority in both houses of congress. Of course they won’t change anything; mainly because they can’t get anything done, but also because if Hillary did cross some line in this matter, they have crossed and redrawn said line a thousand times before and they want to continue to have the ability to do so a thousand times more. After all, they have a lot more to hide than anyone else in this country. Bush, Cheney and their cabinet have released nothing of the war crimes they perpetrated, certainly none of the facts about how they sold this nation down the river for oil that they never delivered, or about WMD’s that never existed.

I listened to a bevy of reporters today whine about how the Clintons are hard to deal with. Is it any wonder? The press will print any scurrilous bullshit handed to them by any less than truthful Republican, without research, or a thought of fact checking. This happens because the Republican’s understand that the media will always take the easiest road. So they embrace the media, who will buy truckloads of garbage, as long as they don’t have to work too hard to unload it. The media’s job is to dig out the stories, not accept any crap that anybody who is looking for a political advantage hands to them.

I watch Rand Paul say that Hillary can’t be trusted. Who the hell would trust Rand Paul, a man who attacks the hawks and says he won’t back any war candidate, but goes to Vegas to meet Sheldon Adelson, and pulls down his pants for the biggest war- monger on the planet, just for a little cash. He’s talking about trust? Really?


Hillary’s skills as a Senator and as a Secretary of State were exemplary. Don’t whine Benghazi, because Benghazi is a GOP fantasy and if you want to get into truth or trust, you must understand that no one has ever proven any wrongdoing there, on the parts of the State Department under Hillary or the White House under Obama. Over half a dozen committees, all Republican led, have failed miserably to come up with any facts that point to any culpability. It’s time the media stopped playing the game set up by the Republicans, it’s definitely time for the muckrakers to shut up and admit that there was never anything there in the first place.

Trey Gowdy another southern genius who is trying to waste more taxpayer money on yet another Benghazi investigation, has been running off his mouth about Hillary making up her own rules on the subject of what to delete and what not to delete from her e-mails. But Gowdy is too lazy to read the rules and too stupid to understand them. Under the current rules, Hillary gets to make this choice, as do all the other government employees. I will admit that this doesn’t make sense but that doesn’t make it false. Gowdy is righteously outraged but doesn’t seem to understand that this isn’t Hillary’s fault; it’s the fault of the government, which right now is run by the him and his co-conspirators.

This clown really wants us to believe that Hillary, because of her potential candidacy, isn’t the central focus of his phony committee? Only a two-year-old child, very slow- like him, could possibly buy that.

Gowdy claims that his committee wants to understand what happened in Benghazi. If after a half dozen, very expensive investigations, they still don’t understand what happened in Benghazi, then they are far dumber than they look and shouldn’t be allowed to play with matches, let alone deal with governmental matters of such importance, even ones that have already been solved.

Roger Wicker, ® Senator from Mississippi, was very busy, recently, adding fuel to the fires of contention that say the south is too ignorant to be part of the United States, when he re-upped on his signature on the infamous letter from Tom Cotton to the Ayatollah of Iran. He claims that we shouldn’t be dealing with process in this, or in Netanyahu’s speech to congress, but that we should be dealing with substance in both. How is that possible, there was no substance in either?

He calls Iran the chief exporter of terrorism around the world. That’s quite a quote when Saudi Arabia’s Wahhabi killers have been busy for years, committing acts of terror all over the world, when the Saudi’s were the ones on the planes that hit the twin towers, when it was Saudi money that financed 911 and bin Laden, and when the Saudi’s have sent no troops to fight ISIS in Iraq. Maybe Wicker should try putting aside his oil stocks and concentrate on the truth and what is really best for America.

Then Wicker lies about whether or not the Iranians are keeping their promises about the stoppage of nuclear work. Wicker doesn’t think that the Iranians will stick with the result of the negotiations but that’s because he doesn’t think. Why would the Iranians not follow the agreements? If they don’t, it will mean war and worse for them. All they have to do is look around and see the disastrous results of our help for other nations in the region. They have to be blind, not to see what a catastrophe getting involved with us in any military way, really is.

Even without an invasion, it will mean the end of their ability to function economically because of the doubling down of the sanctions that are now crippling their nation. But Wicker doesn’t understand any of that or maybe he does and just doesn’t care if we go to war. Maybe he should put on a uniform or maybe his kid should,

The GOP Senators, in signing Cotton’s dumb letter, have put us in the position of hurting the chances of Iran’s moderate president, to win the up-coming election. If he does win, he has a chance to wrest control of the country from the crazy Ayatollahs, something that will help everyone in any further negotiating. Almost no one in Iran wants war. Almost no one in the U.S. wants war. If all the nut cases in both countries just keep their mouths shut and let the sane people negotiate, maybe we will halt nuclear weapons construction and avoid war.

Once you eliminate it’s religious leaders, Iran is the most western of the Middle Eastern countries. It is a young, comparatively well educated country in which the majority of citizens want to join the west but are being held back by fanatic religious leaders, clinging to control, by holding us up as Satan. If we can show Iran, a country that we have stabbed in the back twice in the last seventy years, that we can be at least as trustworthy as them, that we will keep our word and that we will back a moderate faction and not abandon them when the fire gets hot as we did in 1999, then we have a real chance to get a peaceful resolution that can help with problems in the entire region, problems that Saudi Arabia won’t help with, that Israel acerbates and that Jordan is too overwhelmed to deal with.

This is not to say that we should trust Iran, or any other country, in this kind of situation. Everything must be able to be inspected, watched and verified. But that being said, hooking up with Iran gives us a far better chance for peace in the Middle East than with Saudi Arabia or any other country in the region except possibly Jordan.