Trust or Truth


A rather slow-witted woman named Susan Brooks from, where else, the latest Benghazi committee has demanded that Hillary turn over her server to them. Sure, Susan, right after Bush, Cheney and all their cabinet turn over all their communications to a grand jury investigating our illegal entrance to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. What, you say, there is no such investigation going on? True, but neither is there an investigation of Benghazi that has any chance of accomplishing anything.

So let’s talk about the Cotton letter to the Iranians. The basis for this discussion is that Cotton is a brain dead power aspirant but what about the people who signed it. John McCain actually gives a clear explanation of the whole thing by telling us that they didn’t fully consider it because it was snowing and everybody was hurrying to get home. This is a guy who thought he was presidential material. What a way to run a government.

I’ve lived in D.C. and I understand the panic that drives our nations brave leaders when that first flake hits the ground. A city of supposed mature human beings comes to a complete halt at the first hint of snow.

I wondered why congress is always coming to a complete standstill. So now it’s apparent, it’s always snowing in their fuzzy little brains. So just to be clear, it was snow that caused our country’s senatorial letter signing of this disgraceful piece of garbage to be sent to the leader of another country. I shudder to think of what would happen if we ever have actual snow on the ground in D.C. again; nuclear war with Russia at the very least.

This is what now makes up the Republican Senate; a bunch of idiots and weaklings who dump their responsibilities at the least of inconveniences and run home, crying to Mommy.

What the signees to the letter are too unconcerned to understand is that we were already involved in bipartisan negotiations that would arrive at a bill that would give congress the ability to veto any treaty the president negotiates. This letter had nothing to accomplish except to show the world what a bunch of disloyal clowns we had elected this time around. What it actually did was anger the Democrats to an extent that they are dumping the bipartisan bill that they and Trey Cochran were trying to put together.

Margret Carlson from the Bloomberg Review was on the tube, talking about the e-mail nonsense, and she made one of the most ridiculous statements ever uttered about politics. She said that people had to know, who they could trust in politics and that because of the e-mail deal they couldn’t trust Hillary. Really? Just so you know, Margaret, there is almost no one in politics that is trustworthy and anyone who thinks differently is too naive to vote, let alone hold office. If you have any intelligence you don’t trust anyone. You take every statement with a grain of salt until it can be proved.

Out of everyone in the entire 2016 political field there are only two people who I would even consider as honest and somewhat trustworthy. They are Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. This has nothing to do with their leanings but with their willingness to fail, rather than betray their cause. Strangely enough, Ted Cruz may also fall into that category. He’s crazy as a loon and a fanatical asshole but he’s willing to lose it all rather than betray his bigoted, wrong-headed ideals. Remember, trusting Bush is what got us into two wars and a depression.

Unfortunately or maybe fortunately we all know that it takes more than loyalty to a cause or devotion to an ideal to be a president. It is the nature of politics and certainly of the presidency and possibly of life, to interpret the truth or your real intentions in a way that makes one able to function in a world that is more nuance than confrontation. No, Hillary isn’t completely truthful in every circumstance, neither is anyone else that is actually successful in a large percentage of his or her endeavors.

I’m not talking about actually lying, which is the province of a great many members of the GOP and the oligarchy, but there are almost always two interpretations of every situation and the ability to understand and interpret the needs of any occasion and to express and act on them in a way that leads those two realities to a successful conclusion is the definition of function.

As stated above, it is not in the nature of people to be 100% truthful simply because this is not a black and white world. In that grey sphere, therefore, there are those of us who face reality and see nuance in almost every situation. Does that lead to 100% truthfulness as seen by most people? No, but that does not make those who function this way liars. Not, at least, in the sense that Jeb Bush saying that he is not running is a lie. Not in the sense that Republicans talking about the income gap and saying that it is Obama’s fault, is a lie. The fact is, that there is an income gap, directly traceable back to decisions of the Reagan and Bush administrations, their economic policies and their legislative loosening of all financial regulations, that allow the rich to screw anyone who doesn’t have the money to fight them, is truth. Anything else is a lie. I just watched Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, John Boehner and Mitch McConnell all exploit this huge lie in the space of ten minutes. It’s not even hard to tell when they are lying. It’s when their lips are moving.

The problem for the Republicans trying to make this argument work; is that everything they have done and everything they are now trying to do, runs in direct opposition to what they are saying. Every bill they have manufactured, that had an item that will help the working poor, is overwhelmed by items that will save taxes for the filthy rich. This creates two problems with their lip service. They’re killing the poor and helping the rich, which only widens the income gap and shows them up for the liars that they are.

This is the appeal of Scott Walker to the Republicans. This is a guy from humble background, always letting us know that his father was a preacher, but when confronted with a labor issue, he crushed the unions in Wisconsin. Now we all know that much of the union movement is tied up in dishonesty, but the bedrock of the argument against unions is lost when we realize that there wouldn’t be unions at all, if we didn’t have bad management, greedy millionaires who are stepping on the necks of their underpaid workers to squeeze out every last nickel of profit.

It’s really very simple. All you have to do is measure out one more yacht or a Maserati for the owner of a factory against daycare and health insurance for the children of ten of his employees. If the car or the boat wins, he is a greedy pig.