Dumb Letter – Dumb Sender- Dumb Signators


Tom Cotton, a redneck Jesus freak from Arkansas, somehow managed to get a majority of Senate Republicans to sign off on a letter that was unbelievably sent to the government of Iran, seriously undercutting America’s negotiations on Iran’s nuclear intentions.

Who is this clown Cotton working for, the hardliners in Iran or the people who were dumb enough to give him a job? It’s bad enough that this pathetic excuse for a congress listened to and applauded Bibi Netanyahu in his ludicrous warmongering, but this turkey actually believed him.

For a member of the Senate and many of his colleagues to deliberately undermine an international negotiation aimed at bringing peace to a part of the world that seems to have no ability or interest in peace, is a betrayal of monumental dimension. Both the President and the entire nation want peace, not the wars that the Republican party has given us. It is to that goal that Secretary of State Kerry has been carrying on extensive negotiations, which have been undercut by this idiot’s letter.

Netanyahu has successfully run for office in Israel He’s already got a country to run. No one hired him as an advisor on United States foreign policy. We have continually saved Israel’s ass and that’s exactly what we are trying to do now. It is entirely unfortunate that Bibi is too much of a hawk to see this. We will probably continue to do so, but only if they have the intelligence to let us. We are actually pretty close to the real thing now.

Netanyahu doesn’t understand that the only hope for peace with Iran is a treaty of some kind. It’s unfortunate that he thinks he can bully Iran into giving up entirely on nuclear power just because it makes him nervous. They won’t and neither should they. Israel has the bomb, where the hell do they get off saying that no one else can even have nuclear power?

he Iranians have already agreed to certain limits to what they can do and they have held to their promise, but that deal won’t hold forever and the longer it drags out without closure the more danger there is that it will all fall apart. Of course Israel expects us to come to their rescue if that happens but why should we risk even one American kid for a bunch of hard heads that are fighting us from getting a solution to their problem?

We all know that the Republican Party hates Obama, just as they hated the Clintons, just as they hate anyone who whips their ass in an election. They are classic losers and one would be a fool to expect that to change. But to sabotage a peace negotiation that involves atomic weapons, just because they don’t like the President is treasonous.

Political discourse ends at the border. If you don’t believe that, you are not a loyal American. That does not mean that we should not object to things we see as wrong. We absolutely should, but in doing so, we must always look to our own motives for entering the discussion

If Tom Cotton is dumb enough to truly believe that ending negotiations is better for the world or even just this country then he should pursue his argument with the President through the channels that are available to him as a Senator. But, to take his argument around a sitting President and try to undermine those discussions, without knowing where they are going or what has already transpired is pretty close to treason. It is certainly mutiny and we all know what the penalty for that is. All we need is a boat and a plank.

Congress is stepping into an area where they have never belonged, Foreign Policy is the area of the President and the State Department. Congress job is to advise and consent. That is, when a treaty has been negotiated, congress can then step in and approve or disapprove it.

In sticking his nose and his pen into an area in which he has no background Cotton enters a field in which he actually is an expert; posturing like a fool. He wants to stop the White House from doing something about which he knows absolutely nothing, except what Bibi Netanyahu has told hm. In doing so he has endangered negotiations that other, more intelligent members of his own party are hoping to see forge ahead. Senator Thad Cochran has been trying to get a bipartisan bill passed that would allow for   the congress to be able to ratify any paper that the President would negotiate. By his actions, Cotton has all but destroyed any chance of the Democrats getting on board any legislation suggested by any GOP member.

In point of fact, there is no rule or law forbidding the Republicans from being traitorous dogs. That doesn’t mean that Cotton and his coterie of clowns are right. They are most certainly wrong and what they have done looks like it is backfiring when the Prime Minister of Iran comes out and says that he is not considering the letter, that it is obviously nothing but a political ploy, with its goal, nothing but a matter of local American politics. In that he shows that he is far more intelligent than Cotton or any of the 47 members of the Senate who were too stupid or too hurried by world shattering matters like a little snow on the streets, to dump their copy of the letter where it belonged, in the garbage.


One thought on “Dumb Letter – Dumb Sender- Dumb Signators

  1. What has happened ? There was a time when s a rookie congressman wasent even told where the pen and paper we’re kept,
    Let alone being allowed to white a letter.

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