Hillary’s E-Mail


In a week where David Petraeus traded classified government secrets for a piece of ass, even as Chelsea Manning is serving 35 years in jail and Ed Snowden is in exile for revealing what the military and the NSA are doing to violate the constitution and while errant members of congress are sending out a letter to Iran undercutting the President’s negotiations on nuclear weapons in that country, the best that the media can come up with for a story, is that Hillary Clinton used her own server for her email?


I am amazed at the bunch of whores that make up our current media. The Republicans put out the phoniest of stories; the kind they have tried in different disguises since the beginning of the Clinton administration, the kind of inconsequential garbage they have tried repeatedly to sell to the American people, and the media whores pick it up and run with it, like it’s Russia dropping a nuke on the Ukraine. How does this complete lack of priority happen? How about because the media is too lazy to do anything else, how about because they lack the imagination or ethics to look for real news in a world overrun by it.


The latest GOP fantasy is all about emails; Hillary’s to be specific and how she didn’t use a government server for hers when she was Secretary of State. Okay sounds like there may be something here. So if you’re a reporter and you have any intelligence or a minimum of ethics what’s the first question you ask? “Was it required by law to use a government server?” NO!. Oh, well then “ what other Secretaries of State actually used a government servers?” NONE! Not one Secretary of State that preceded her. That included Colin Powell and Condi Rice. This is the point when you identify the clown who brought you the story and cut him off at the knees. But not our media.


Our media has now blown this non-story up into the second coming of Jesus Christ. Which just shows that as dumb as they are, the GOP isn’t as dumb as the media. So what’s all this noise really about? Like Whitewater Vince Foster and Benghazi; email-gate is about the Republicans not having any legitimate reason to discredit someone that they don’t like or didn’t elect, so they create a fantasy, blow it into a into a phony story and sell to a media that’s dumber than dog dirt, a media, who gratefully accepts any story they don’t have to do any work to create.


For those of you who have been off the planet this week; the more sleazy of the GOP hatchet men have been off-the-charts busy, trying to concoct a national disaster to Hillary using a private server for her email when she was Secretary of State. Colin Powell, who preceded her in that job for the Bush administration, has already come out saying that he did the same thing. Did this admission put Daryl Issa, Trey Gowdy and Ted Cruz in crazed orbit? Not on your life, but Hillary being accused of it, has caused a major cataclysm of fake horror among the later day Joe McCarthy’s.


Isn’t this getting a little old, you say? Well, only if you can remember back as far as last night and have an intelligence quotient slightly below that of an iguana. This is the same bullshit they ran at us with Whitewater, Rose Legal, Foster’s death and again with Benghazi, all of which were proven to be figments of Republican imagination. How they really expect anyone with even basic intelligence to buy that there has been any kind of wrongdoing here, is beyond comprehension but guess what? The media bought it. What the hell, any story is better than no story. You need something with which to sell that soap.


Was there a law against it? NO! Was there any precedent of previous Secretaries of State dong anything different? NO! Are they circling the wagons in panic over the concept that Hillary is going to beat their brains out in 2016? ABSOLUTELY! And that is the only reason why this nonsense exists.


Where did this whole thing come from, you may ask. Where everything comes from that the Republicans can conceive of – Benghazi. For the last century and a half, or so it seems, the Republican’s have been trying to create some wrongdoing in Benghazi, that they can assign to the White House or the State Department. So far more than a half dozen Republican led committees have cost the United States taxpayers, millions of dollars and have come up with squat. This complete failure and subsequent embarrassment, has led to one of three conclusions;

  • Hillary Clinton has been too smart for all these committees and investigators to catch and that leads to the conclusion that, horror of horrors, she is the smartest person in the room and is far more qualified than anyone else to be president.
  • Daryl Issa along with all his horses and all his men are too dumb to find a bee in a hive and should therefore be kicked out of congress and given the only jobs for which they are fit. Stoop labor in a bean field.
  • There really isn’t any there, there. In which case Issa and his clowns have wasted millions of dollars and that leads to #2 above.


Faced with these horrifying circumstances, the Republicans led by new Committee Chairman, Trey Gowdy and his band of losers, have gone all out for one last frenzied shot at a win and have demanded Hilary Clinton’s emails be turned over to them so they can lose even more taxpayers money.


This pathetic ploy has led to the current email-gate, non-story. God knows how many Republican party members had to get down on their knees before the media whores to actually get this non-story to this point.



About 60,000 pieces of email have been identified by Hillary’s people as her public and private email output while she was in office. About half were held back because they were personal and it was felt there was no reason to allow the stink mongers to pry. The rest was given over to the government long before this phony ploy was put in motion This is, as far as can be recognized, more than anyone else has done. Who among that treasonous cabal of warmongers that served Bush, has released anything about their criminal behavior when they were selling the country down the drain for oil or power.


There has been a big noise about the fact that Hillary was the one who decided which emails were personal and which business. Trey Gowdy, in his all- encompassing ignorance, has made this point loud and clear. If Gowdy had bothered to find out what he was lying about he would have discovered that Hillary was just following government rules. Now this, for obvious reasons, would seem like a dumb rule but Hillary didn’t make it and if Gowdy wants it changed he should take it up with the government of which his party now runs two of the three parts. Of course the GOP would rather make a big stink over phony issues like this than try to fix any problem that’s real.


Hillary has been in the public eye for over thirty years. She has been exposed to this kind of crap ever since Whitewater, and is used to dealing with it and avoiding it. She is way to smart to have published anything in her email that would get her into trouble. Only the Republicans are dumb enough to do that. Ask Scott Walker and Chris Christie, men with records of such mistakes.


It’s time the Republicans tried to do something positive for this country as opposed to their record of doing nothing for anyone but themselves.


The New York Times, considered by the naïve, as still one of the last bastions of journalistic integrity, actually ran a front page story saying that Hillary had broken the law by using her own server. That’s not true. Don’t these lazy, useless excuses for journalists do any research anymore? Doesn’t anyone edit the work of these slovenly shirkers before the paper publishes it? Is the Times turning into the NY Post or Fox news? Or worse, is it turning into those Right Wing rags that overpopulate the Internet, those barely intelligible muck raking, but wildly inaccurate peons to Rush Limburg and Ted Cruz? I’m speaking of crap like Red State, 1776 Coalition or Guns and Patriots?


1776 Coalition, a blog with a publisher who actually thinks 240 years behind the times, has been especially virulent on this subject the last few days publishing articles that hint at impropriety but can offer no evidence of any such thing


Diane Feinstein wanted Hillary to come forward and make a statement that would clear this email thing up, and she did. What she should have said is that the people who are carrying on about her email account need a hobby? That the account was perfectly legal? That the media, which carries no torch for any Clinton, needs to recognize the difference between a pure story and pure bullshit? What the hell did Feinstein expect her to say? There is no reality in this unreality.