There is a Price for Peace



The world in general is up in arms about the atrocities that ISIS has been perpetrating against helpless hostages in the past few months and the question must be asked; doesn’t this make the Arab world understand that those in ISIS are not their heroes but a group of sub-human monsters? Obviously not as can be seen on TV with Arab crowds cheering wildly as the helpless Jordanian pilot is doused with gas and burned alive.


All evidence points to the fact that showing these videos of hideous atrocities is actually a good recruiting tool for ISIS. But how could this be? Doesn’t this say that all these Muslims are potential monsters? Is there something in the Muslim DNA that finds this kind of sub-human behavior acceptable? Maybe there is, but only to some small number of Muslims, just like monstrous behavior is also acceptable to some small number of any group of people on earth. It’s important to understand that ISIS is an Arab organization appropriating the Muslim religion as its cover.


It amazes me that with all the talk about ISIS I have only once heard anything about the fact that these are Arab, not Indonesian or Indian or Yugoslavian, or any other kind of Muslims. These are Arabs who have appropriated the Muslim religion as a cover and recruiting tool. This is easy to do in the area in which they exist, a quagmire of tribal wars, battling religious sects, barbaric rules and laws, and inhuman punishments, especially for women.


I watched a discussion on Bill Maher’s show between four rather intelligent people about the percentage of Muslims involved in these barbaric actions and was appalled that none of these supposed smart people ever thought to bring up the fact that pretty much, outside of Boko Haram in Africa, the majority of Muslims causing problems were Arabs. Any discussion of Muslim terrorism in this country has to come to the conclusion that almost all the perpetrators are Arabs, most of them Saudis and that any discussion about terrorists had to pretty much end with the word Arab, not Muslim because if you are having a discussion about a group of people that is comprised of 50% of the Arab world but only 5% of the Muslim world, the descriptive adjective you use is Arab.


Arabs are the ones who find the abusive behavior of ISIS acceptable. Again, videos of the immolation of the Jordanian pilot show the people in the background cheering. How could this be, you cry? How could anyone find this kind of behavior acceptable? I don’t, know, maybe they’re missing a chromosome or maybe they have one too many but the evidence across much of the Arab world points to the fact that this kind of sub-human behavior is, indeed acceptable. All you have to do is look at our supposed ally, Saudi Arabia where they do more than their own share of beheadings and where a man can be sentenced to 1000 lashes for opening a freedom website, or a woman for opposing the orders of her husband.


And that brings us to the case of Kayla Mueller the young American care worker, who, according to ISIS was killed the other day by Jordanian bombing runs. Really? Do these degenerate liars, the same ones who were negotiating for that Jordanian flyer’s release, weeks after they had placed him in a cage, poured gas on him and set him on fire, really expect us to believe what they say, especially after they, stupidly announced that Ms Mueller had been killed in a town 140 miles from the one in which the air attacks took place?


This was a lovely young woman who spent the last years of her life trying to help the children and sick of the same tribe of animals that killed her. Do I believe that she has been killed by a Jordanian air strike? No, but after a year and a half of captivity by these sub-human scum, there was really little chance that she was alive, or that she would want to be. Kayla Mueller is a martyr, a lovely young woman who went out among the savages and tried to help them; a martyr who was rewarded for her moral and humane intensions by being abused and murdered by those she was trying to help.


This column has often been dismissive of those who are martyred in the pursuit of religious proselytizing but this young woman was acting in the name of humanity, she was not trying to sell some religion to those who had no need for it. Unfortunately she was doing it among those who have no concept of what civilized behavior means.


All that having been said, we must still face the fact that these barbarians all cling to the Muslim faith and indeed use it as an excuse for their despicable acts. So it behooves those Muslims who don’t want to be painted with the same brush as their barbarian fellow religionists to get off their asses and help defeat these despoilers of their faith. So far they have been completely absent.


This isn’t our war. This is still, regardless of how the neo cons try to sell it, a war between Arabs, Arabs that have been at war with each other for a thousand years. No matter how we try, no matter how we intervene, we will never solve the problems of the Arab world. The Europeans colonists of the 19th century screwed up, what was already a pretty messy cauldren, in a greedy scramble for natural resources and trade. Then they screwed it up again by trying to leave a fractured order when they pulled up stakes and fled back to Europe with their spoils. We should have left it at that, but in an explosion of corporate greed we stepped in and got involved in a part of the world we didn’t understand, and in our ignorance, tried to change. And as we should have learned long ago, no good deed goes unpunished.


So here we are with 30,000 or so crazed maniacs trying to drag the Middle East back to the 8th Century. So what do we do? Mostly we do nothing that we aren’t already doing. We do not put any significant troops on the ground. We do insert some Special Forces people who will deal, surreptitiously, with what ever they can deal with, as we continue the air strikes, but we must not continue them, the way we are doing them now.


One watches the newsreel footage and one sees a bomb hitting a building and one assumes that if the inhabitants haven’t already fled the building at the sound of attack, that we have killed a couple of people and destroyed a lot of stuff. This is pathetic. We brag about a couple of thousand airstrikes in the months that we have been at it. During WWII we carried out that many airstrikes in a couple of days.


Our slogan should be; remember Dresden. We should drop pamphlets warning civilians of the devastation we are about to create and then we should carpet bomb so that nothing can possibly be left standing or alive. We should napalm any military installations or any buildings that fly an ISIS flag, and especially any military columns that they are ignorant to still send out. If they like fire so much we should give it to them in spades.


If we are not going to invade with troops, our planes should leave behind nothing but crushed rock. If the Arabs of ISIS want to act like animals then we should leave them that on which only animals can survive. The point here is, that if we’re going to bomb, let’s really bomb. Let’s not screw around, let’s bomb like we did in Dresden.


If our so called Arab allies can’t bring themselves to fight for their own hides then we should leave behind a land in which there is nothing for which to fight. If Saudi Arabia, The UAE, Turkey, Bahrain, or any of the other Arab nations don’t want to fight for their own skins, there is no reason that even one American kid should die for them, but there isn’t any reason why we shouldn’t wipe the ISIS hordes from the face of the earth.


Our Homeland Security people keep talking about their worries of ISIS troops coming home to the US and causing trouble here. But all this noise about these guys sneaking back in and bombing American targets signifies nothing but failure on the part of our own security agencies.


Are they really saying that they can’t stop a few hundred, if there really will be that many, war refugees from getting past border security? If that’s true then all the billions we are spending on this stuff is wasted. They can keep a little old lady, whose name happened to be the same as someone else’s from getting on a plane to visit her kids but they can’t keep an Arab fighter from getting through customs at JFK? Fire them all and replace them with someone who has even a crumb of functionality.


The bottom line is that we don’t want to be in this war, all we want to do is eliminate ISIS and walk away, leaving the rest of the Arabs to sort out their differences, which they won’t, because they have no history that doesn’t include killing each other.


The United States is the greatest military power in the history of the world. There are many in this country who don’t understand why, with such military power, we are not able to impose our will on whomever we want. Well, guys, it’s just not that easy. For one thing most Americans don’t want us to be all, over the world beating up on smaller countries. We have shown, as in WWII that when we have the moral right on our side we are capable of rising up and smiting the devil, but we have shown just as vividly that when we don’t have that moral right, as in Iraq and Vietnam, our efforts fall apart and we go home with our tails between our legs.


What we need to do, is establish that we aren’t looking to run the world, but that if you do wrong we will crush you. ISIS has given us, what is probably the most vivid example that we could ask for, and it behooves us to take advantage of it and stamp on them like the cockroaches that they are. Annihilating the entire force that they have brought into the field would set an example that no one could ignore. That would be especially true for Putin and the fat little Korean and their idiotic dreams of empire.


If we want peace, I mean really want peace, then we can have no qualms about eliminating those who stand in its way. ISIS has given us a great opportunity; one in which we can wipe out an entire army that stands for nothing but evil and is recognized by the civilized nations of the world to have no value except as an example. If they had the capacity to negotiate, then by all means we should, but there has been no evidence that this civilized tool is in their box.


If we really use our might and decimate this force for evil we can set an example that might cause other aggressive nations to hesitate before they attack their neighbors and we just might end up with a more peaceful world. I believe very strongly in peace but I understand that in most cases, the only way to get it, is to kick the living shit out of the guy who wants war.