Kentucky Politics

There has been a lot of talk lately about the election last week, specifically in Kentucky, where prune face, Mitch McConnell ran against Allison Grimes. Grimes had a bad stretch during an interview, when asked if she had voted for Obama in the last two elections.


Everyone knows that Obama isn’t too popular in Kentucky, but everyone also knows that Grimes is a Democrat and that she undoubtedly voted for him, so Grimes in a dumb blunder hemmed and hawed and didn’t answer the question. Now we all know the Kentucky voters are slow, but they aren’t brain dead. She’s a God damned Democrat. Who the hell else would she have voted for in the past two Presidential elections? Instead of floundering around she should have come right out and said, “who the hell else would I have voted for, McCain and Romney?”


Of course, not to be outdone, the oft reelected, Mitch McConnell, the proof that while Kentucky voters may not be brain dead, they certainly don’t possess an overload of intelligence, refused to be out blundered by his opponent.


McConnell is a guy who is so full of hubris that he goes on a sports show in Kentucky, a state that’s wild for its sports teams, without knowing who plays on the Kentucky Wildcats and he can’t come up with even one name for a favorite player. So the broadcaster realizing that this guy is a loss on sports, tries to help him and shift the discussion to politics, which he figures that McConnell may have some inkling about. So Mitch gets feisty because he doesn’t want to answer any questions about the environment in coal crazy Kentucky, or the war in the Middle East or anything like that. He just doesn’t want to have an opinion on anything to which a single voter might take exception. He won’t even discuss healthcare, which despite his wholesale opposition is a huge success in Kentucky. So he blows up at the guy and looks like the idiot he truly is.


But Kentucky isn’t the only place where half-assed morons ran for office. They had a debate down in Florida the other night. This is a state that will be under water in a few short years. There are hurricanes are raking the entire state, there is great poverty and the schools are falling apart but the main point of the debate turned out to be over the use of a fan. Former Governor Charlie Crist sweats. He admits he sweats and he doesn’t like to sweat so every place he speaks he has a fan installed under the lectern. Who doesn’t want to keep their balls cool?


But current Governor Rick Scott wanted Crist’s balls to fry, so he pointed to a rule in the debate process that prohibited the use of electronic aids. Now it’s quite obvious that this rule was intended to prohibit things like video programming and film aids but Rick stuck to his mis-firing guns and demanded the ousting of the fan. So Crist got five minutes alone on the stage with the audience while Scott cooled his jets in the dressing room and sulked.


Is it any wonder that congress has a 9% approval rating and politicians in general are considered the worst aspect of pond scum, when with all the important issues that face us they waste our time arguing over a f*****g fan?


But the voters aren’t much better. Just to show that they had read something abut the real issues of the election the voters went progressive on many of the issues that were on the ballots in various states. They voted for measures that increased the minimum wage, legalized pot, tightened gun control and supported reproductive rights; really progressive attack by really progressive voters, right? Wrong! Those same voters, almost across the board voted in Republican candidates who will never vote for the measures that the voters obviously wanted. But how is this possible? Are the voters too dumb to understand how their government works? It certainly appears so, especially if one looks at a very substantial poll that was done all over the world asking questions that revealed how knowledgeable people were about their national politics and in which the United States finished second worst only to Italy.


So what’s the answer? How about forgetting about picture IDs for voters, how about considering intelligence tests instead?